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USANews版 - Twitter又作恶了大英雄James O’Keefe的帐号被封!
尼玛Fox台关键时刻掉链子!DNC fires Obama campaign staffer for assisting voter fraud attempt
James O'Keefe PART 2Rigging the Election - Video IV
JAMES O'KEEFE震撼视频I、II合集,革美国政治的命Project Veritas总浏览数超过一千万了
wikileaks和CNN证实O'Keefe录像内容真实JAMES O'KEEFE VIDEO稀瘌痢的黑手党流氓在行动!
视频:CNN Producer 承认所谓通俄是"bullshit"fox也把视频都撤了?
Will Illegal Foreign Voters Steal the Election?Google/Youtube is NOT processing O'Keefe video Part III
James O'Keefe 今天说还有videoO'Keefe: youtube不让他上传
JAMES O'KEEFE震撼视频合集持续更新,革美国政治的命DOJ明天将在28个州监票(图)
话题: twitter话题: keefe话题: james话题: account话题: his
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1470
James O’Keefe Blocked From His Twitter Account
Twitter又作恶了大英雄James O’Keefe的帐号被封!
James O’Keefe Blocked From His Twitter Account for Videos About Electoral
Corruption and Voter Fraud of the whole Rigged Political System in United
States of America.
After releasing two viral videos over the last two days, Project Veritas
Founder and President James O’Keefe is no longer allowed to access his
Twitter account. According to Twitter, he is blocked from accessing his
account for twelve hours, at which point they reserve the right to make him
pass additional hurdles to access his account.
On Tuesday, O’Keefe released a video which shows Manhattan Democratic
Election Commissioner Alan Schulkin admitting that voter fraud does indeed
On Wednesday, O’Keefe released a video which shows a male Hillary Clinton
staffer stating: “To be fired I would have to grab Emma’s [female coworker
] ass twice and she would have to complain about it, I would have to
sexually harass someone.”
The second video also showed the campaign worker stating that he could rip
up Republican voter registration forms and not be reprimanded.
O’Keefe received an email from Twitter at 7:59 PM EST on October 12, 2016
stating the following:
Hi James O’Keefe,
Your account @JamesOKeefeIII has been locked.
Please go to Twitter now to fix the issue with your account.
Following the link provided by Twitter only took O’Keefe to their rules
page but didn’t offer any additional helpful information.
UPDATE: Here is video of Mr. O'Keefe attempting to log into his Twitter
发帖数: 5600

【在 a***p 的大作中提到】
: James O’Keefe Blocked From His Twitter Account
: Twitter又作恶了大英雄James O’Keefe的帐号被封!
: James O’Keefe Blocked From His Twitter Account for Videos About Electoral
: Corruption and Voter Fraud of the whole Rigged Political System in United
: States of America.
: After releasing two viral videos over the last two days, Project Veritas
: Founder and President James O’Keefe is no longer allowed to access his
: Twitter account. According to Twitter, he is blocked from accessing his
: account for twelve hours, at which point they reserve the right to make him
: pass additional hurdles to access his account.

发帖数: 33224


【在 a***p 的大作中提到】
: James O’Keefe Blocked From His Twitter Account
: Twitter又作恶了大英雄James O’Keefe的帐号被封!
: James O’Keefe Blocked From His Twitter Account for Videos About Electoral
: Corruption and Voter Fraud of the whole Rigged Political System in United
: States of America.
: After releasing two viral videos over the last two days, Project Veritas
: Founder and President James O’Keefe is no longer allowed to access his
: Twitter account. According to Twitter, he is blocked from accessing his
: account for twelve hours, at which point they reserve the right to make him
: pass additional hurdles to access his account.

发帖数: 1127

: 这个跟上次某人的有点像。

: 现在还不一定能够确认是Twitter自己所为。听说Twitter有个脑残的举报装置,

: 以投诉然后触发自动ban。

: him

【在 G**Y 的大作中提到】
: 这个跟上次某人的有点像。
: 现在还不一定能够确认是Twitter自己所为。听说Twitter有个脑残的举报装置,左派可
: 以投诉然后触发自动ban。
: him

发帖数: 6898


【在 a***p 的大作中提到】
: James O’Keefe Blocked From His Twitter Account
: Twitter又作恶了大英雄James O’Keefe的帐号被封!
: James O’Keefe Blocked From His Twitter Account for Videos About Electoral
: Corruption and Voter Fraud of the whole Rigged Political System in United
: States of America.
: After releasing two viral videos over the last two days, Project Veritas
: Founder and President James O’Keefe is no longer allowed to access his
: Twitter account. According to Twitter, he is blocked from accessing his
: account for twelve hours, at which point they reserve the right to make him
: pass additional hurdles to access his account.

发帖数: 1470
发帖数: 33224

【在 p******r 的大作中提到】
: 你又犯了第一反应给左逼洗地的毛病。上次Milo那个不是什么群众举报,是Twitter自
: 己跳出来说以他对某个丑逼人身攻击的借口封账号
: 这个跟上次某人的有点像。
: 现在还不一定能够确认是Twitter自己所为。听说Twitter有个脑残的举报装置,
: 左派可
: 以投诉然后触发自动ban。
: him

发帖数: 3103
Scott Adams也被气着了:
Is Twitter Shadowbanning me?
Posted October 18th, 2016 @ 10:29am in #Twitter #Trump #Clinton
According to many of my Twitter followers, Twitter is “shadowbanning” me.
If true, that means someone at Twitter has decided to suppress my free
speech on the site, presumably because I have said good things about Trump’
s talents for persuasion. My tweets do not align with Twitter’s political
preferences as I understand them.
I don’t have confirmation from Twitter that this is happening, so I tweeted
Jack Dorsey today to ask. I’m sure he’s busy, but I’m hard to ignore. If
no response in two days, I’ll assume my Twitter followers are correct that
my tweets are not always showing up in their feeds. Shadowbanning isn’t a
complete suppression of tweets. It only suppresses some percentage of them
to reduce the influence of the sender. Allegedly.
I won’t jump the gun and assume something nefarious is happening. But I
will say that IF it is happening, I would regard it as treason. If one
political party can use the machinery of social networks to reduce free
speech, that is an attack on American values at the deepest level. As a
patriot, I would feel obligated to help kill Twitter. (And you wouldn’t
want to bet against me.)
I understand Twitter is looking for a buyer. If management is shadowbanning
me, that would be breach of fiduciary responsibility, screwing both the
shareholders and the employees who hope the company can be purchased. In my
view, shadowbanning would make Twitter too toxic to own. That toxicity –
treason in my view – would transfer to the buyer.
But again, I don’t assume Twitter is doing anything wrong. That’s why I’m
asking the question. There could be other reasons people are not seeing my
tweets. Let’s keep open minds.
For two days.

【在 G**Y 的大作中提到】
: 左X没救了。
: 但是我是觉得Twitter可能还有救

发帖数: 1344
this is getting more interesting!
The big money started to attack social media.
like I mentioned before, this is like culture revolution.
发帖数: 209
发帖数: 35261


【在 a***p 的大作中提到】
: James O’Keefe Blocked From His Twitter Account
: Twitter又作恶了大英雄James O’Keefe的帐号被封!
: James O’Keefe Blocked From His Twitter Account for Videos About Electoral
: Corruption and Voter Fraud of the whole Rigged Political System in United
: States of America.
: After releasing two viral videos over the last two days, Project Veritas
: Founder and President James O’Keefe is no longer allowed to access his
: Twitter account. According to Twitter, he is blocked from accessing his
: account for twelve hours, at which point they reserve the right to make him
: pass additional hurdles to access his account.

发帖数: 22365
1 (共1页)
DOJ明天将在28个州监票(图)视频:CNN Producer 承认所谓通俄是"bullshit"
期待明天老创的致命一击!Will Illegal Foreign Voters Steal the Election?
最新消息:CNN 准备 spin James O'Keefe 录像了James O'Keefe 今天说还有video
Government Employees Facilitating Medicaid FraudJAMES O'KEEFE震撼视频合集持续更新,革美国政治的命
尼玛Fox台关键时刻掉链子!DNC fires Obama campaign staffer for assisting voter fraud attempt
James O'Keefe PART 2Rigging the Election - Video IV
JAMES O'KEEFE震撼视频I、II合集,革美国政治的命Project Veritas总浏览数超过一千万了
wikileaks和CNN证实O'Keefe录像内容真实JAMES O'KEEFE VIDEO稀瘌痢的黑手党流氓在行动!
话题: twitter话题: keefe话题: james话题: account话题: his