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USANews版 - 原来两天之前10月26日:已有英文报道质疑huma abedin的系列
Judicial Watch obtains new classified Clinton emailsHuma warned colleagues Hillary was 'often confused' and needed hand-holding about calls with foreign
老妖婆电邮的问题看来要越搞越大了Hillary Clinton interviewed by the FBI
CNN开始喷胡麻了foxnews: 奥巴马又一个谎言被揭穿
英媒:Clinton massaged 'embarrassed' Huma Abedin's shoulde果然是Huma-FBI重启新邮件来自HUMA和另外一个助手
FBI: New Evidence From Anthony Weiner Will See Clinton ‘Locked up for LifeFBI同时调查希拉里及核心圈子五人五案
话题: abedin话题: clinton话题: fbi话题: state话题: her
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6929
Protective detail assigned to guard former Secretary of State Hillary
Clinton and her two residences complained that her closest aide Huma Abedin
often overrode standard security protocols during trips to the Middle East,
and personally changed procedures for handling classified information,
including highly sensitive intelligence briefs the CIA prepared for the
president, newly released FBI documents reveal.
About the Author
Paul Sperry
Editor-in-Chief. Contact him at [email protected]/* */
The security agents, who were interviewed as witnesses in the FBI’s
investigation of Clinton’s use of an unauthorized private email server to
send classified information, complained that Abedin had unusual sway over
security policies during Clinton’s 2009-2013 tenure at Foggy Bottom.
FBI interview notes indicate that Abedin, a Pakistani-American Muslim whose
family has deep ties to Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and the radical Muslim
Brotherhood, was granted Top Secret security clearance for the first time in
2009, when Clinton named her deputy chief of staff for operations. Abedin
said she “did not remember” being read into any Special Access Programs (
SAPs) or compartments.
If Clinton wins the presidency next month, she is expected to tap Abedin as
her chief of staff, a position that would give her the power to run
White House operations — including personnel security and visitor access.&#
160;The position does not require Senate confirmation.
Abedin now serves as vice chair of Clinton’s presidential campaign.In a now
-disclosed September 2015 interview, a diplomatic security agent assigned to
Clinton’s protective detail told FBI investigators that Abedin possessed
“much more power” over Clinton’s staff, schedule and security than other
former chiefs of staffs.
The witness, whose name is redacted by the FBI, said that “Abedin herself
was often responsible for overriding security and diplomatic protocols on
behalf of Clinton.”
While Clinton was traveling with Abedin in an armored vehicle during a trip
to the West Bank, for example, the driver of the limousine was “forced” to
ignore longstanding procedures to keep the windows closed for security
reasons. After repeated orders to open a window so Clinton could be seen
waving to the Palestinian people while in “occupied territory,” the driver
relented and opened the window “despite the danger to himself and the
Another guard assigned to Clinton’s residence in Chappaqua, N.Y., recalled
in a February FBI interview that new security procedures for handling
delivery of the diplomatic pouch and receiving via fax the highly classified
Presidential Daily Brief (PDB) had been “established by Abedin.” The
witness added that Abedin controlled the operations of a secure room known
as a SCIF located on the third floor of the residence.
In her own April 2016 interview with the FBI, Abedin contended that she “
did not know that Clinton had a private server until about a year and a half
ago, when it became public knowledge.” The clintonemail.com server was set
up in the basement of the Chappaqua residence.
However, another witness told agents that he and another Clinton aide with
an IT background built the new server system “at the recommendation of Huma
Abedin,” who first broached the idea of an off-the-grid email server as
early as the “fall (of) 2008,” ostensibly after Barack Obama was elected
The FBI pointed out that “the only person at DoS (Department of State) to
receive an email account on the (clintonemail.com) domain was Abedin.”
In other words, Abedin, whose email account was [email protected]/* */, was
the only State Department aide whose emails were hosted by the private
Clinton server she claimed she didn’t know existed until she heard about it
in the news.
Skeptical, FBI agents showed Abedin three separate email exchanges she had
with an IT staffer regarding the operation of the private Clinton server
during Clinton’s tenure at State. Abedin claimed she “did not recall” the
email exchanges.
Making false statements to a federal agent is a felony.
“Multiple State employees” told the FBI that they considered emailing
Abedin “the equivalent of e-mailing Clinton.” Abedin, in turn, “routinely
” forwarded State government emails — including ones containing classified
information — from her state.gov account to either her clintonemail.com or
her Yahoo.com account “so that she could print them” at her home, the
summary of her interview with the FBI reveals.
Another Clinton aide told the FBI that “Abedin may have kept emails that
Clinton did not.”
By forwarding classified emails to her personal email account, Abedin
appears to have violated a Classified Information NonDisclosure Agreement
she signed at the State Department on Jan. 30, 2009, in which she agreed to
keep all classified material under the control of the US government.
Even so, the FBI did not search Abedin’s laptop or Yahoo email account at
any point in their year-long investigation into possible mishandling of
classified information and espionage. Nor did the bureau call Abedin back
for additional questioning, despite documentary evidence, as well as the
statements from other witnesses, that clearly contradicted her own
发帖数: 6929


【在 t*c 的大作中提到】
: 反常举动,特别是违反安全保密规定,觉得这个女人是希拉里的大脑,
: 掌控一切,好可怕!
: Protective detail assigned to guard former Secretary of State Hillary
: Clinton and her two residences complained that her closest aide Huma Abedin
: often overrode standard security protocols during trips to the Middle East,
: and personally changed procedures for handling classified information,
: including highly sensitive intelligence briefs the CIA prepared for the
: president, newly released FBI documents reveal.
: About the Author
: Paul Sperry

发帖数: 27064
发帖数: 6929

【在 l*******g 的大作中提到】
: 呵呵,不知道老妖婆和huma
: 跟韩国的朴大妈和闺蜜是不是一种模式
: 要是的话,绝对经典

1 (共1页)
参议院司法委员会主席要求FBI公开调查细节英媒:Clinton massaged 'embarrassed' Huma Abedin's shoulde
这个Strzok真是模范救火队员啊FBI: New Evidence From Anthony Weiner Will See Clinton ‘Locked up for Life
希拉里对 FBI 宣战了美国医生协会主任:希拉里脑残了!
Judicial Watch obtains new classified Clinton emailsHuma warned colleagues Hillary was 'often confused' and needed hand-holding about calls with foreign
老妖婆电邮的问题看来要越搞越大了Hillary Clinton interviewed by the FBI
CNN开始喷胡麻了foxnews: 奥巴马又一个谎言被揭穿
话题: abedin话题: clinton话题: fbi话题: state话题: her