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USANews版 - 从“pizza门”事件可以看出下弦月/laocat的智商低的感人 (转载)
现在还有人好意思提pizza门么?而这些造谣诽谤已经伤害了很多 (转载)大学是represent 人口比例的地方吗?
reddit神人深挖pedophile ring短视的华人 (非美籍勿入)
在Gay们的成功激励下,恋童变态们开始行动了Odumbo: oops, flip-flop now
左派杂志开始为娈童癖辩护了左派开始说child rape 只是一种sexual orientation了?
Podestas视频来了Pizza and Ping Pong! 震撼!Elmo’s Puppeteer Accused (Again) Of Preying On Teenage Boys
Comet Ping Pong老板绝对是个邪教徒加pedo!Gawker: 'Pedophilia Is a Sexual Orient
华盛顿邮报社论 "Vote YES"凶手妈妈是个共和党右棍
一个District只有一个congressman, 一个senator吧UK Guardian: Pedophiles Need Support
话题: secret话题: pedo话题: ring话题: comunity话题: logo
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 605
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: lengxi1981 (test), 信区: Military
标 题: 从“pizza门”事件可以看出下弦月/laocat的智商低的感人
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Nov 26 13:10:50 2016, 美东)
the fact that the very secret government pedo ring has a logo known as the
pedophile sign and the secret government pedo ring has the same secret name
for child porn as 4chan.
Also the secret pedo ring still exists at the same exact spot despite the
fact of being "found out."
I'm not a person who has a secret comunity, but I'm damn sure if i had a
secret comunity, it wouldnt be found out simply because my logo represents
exactly the secret I'm trying to hide. Imagine making a secret fight Club
and having a picture of the two main characters in costume on the front door
1 (共1页)
UK Guardian: Pedophiles Need SupportPodestas视频来了Pizza and Ping Pong! 震撼!
Former Abortion Lobbyist Nabbed in Pedophile Sex StingComet Ping Pong老板绝对是个邪教徒加pedo!
Boy Scouts可能要接受gay了 (转载)华盛顿邮报社论 "Vote YES"
German newspaper capitulates to psychopaths!一个District只有一个congressman, 一个senator吧
现在还有人好意思提pizza门么?而这些造谣诽谤已经伤害了很多 (转载)大学是represent 人口比例的地方吗?
reddit神人深挖pedophile ring短视的华人 (非美籍勿入)
在Gay们的成功激励下,恋童变态们开始行动了Odumbo: oops, flip-flop now
左派杂志开始为娈童癖辩护了左派开始说child rape 只是一种sexual orientation了?
话题: secret话题: pedo话题: ring话题: comunity话题: logo