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USANews版 - Steve Bannon年轻时候挺英俊有型的
泰德在Bannon办公室门口排队等着见面This Passover, Free Us From A Failed Jewish Leadership
Rosie O’Donnell Posed as Steve BannonJewish University Presidents Who Abandon Jews
Trump支持白人至上组织Alt Right,川粉怎么spinMore reasons for Jews to vote Republican, or at least not Democrat
Jared Kushner is ‘f*cking furious’西班牙拒绝一犹太人参加音乐会,现在又反悔
Anti-Semitic Steven Bannon is removed! Major win!一英国工党穆斯林称希特勒是历史上最伟大的人
严肃的谈谈川普为什么不是白人至上主义者Bomb threats reported at Jewish community centers in severa (转载)
老毛再世,川普抓军权了!Chicago tribune: Louis Farrakhan's anti-Semitism and the s
话题: bannon话题: he话题: steve话题: business话题: classmates
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像是在junkyard干活挣得学费,刚上哈佛同学说像Robert Redford,后来可能离婚三次
A look at Steve Bannon and his years at Harvard Business School
By Matt Viser GLOBE STAFF NOVEMBER 26, 2016
From the very first day, Steve Bannon made an impression.
In a Harvard Business School classroom of about 90 people in 1983, he took a
seat in the “skydeck” — a spot at the top giving him a view of the
entire class. The marketing professor pointed up at Bannon, calling on him
— without warning — and asking that he present the case study they were
supposed to have read before coming to class.
The case was on Fieldcrest blankets, the acrylic bedding available at most
department stores.
“This,” Bannon began, “is a sleepy industry.”
The tense classroom cracked up, and Bannon went on to deliver an impromptu
presentation that many of his classmates remember today as so succinct and
on point that some have joked that the professor must have told him he was
going to get called on.
He continued impressing classmates the next day, too, breaking down another
case study.
“He was quite gutsy and pretty much blew the class away with an incredible
performance,” said Cornelia Tilney, one of the classmates. “I remember
thinking after watching him, ‘I am definitely flunking this class if this
is where the bar is set!’ ”
The man who has become one of the most controversial figures of the nascent
Donald Trump administration — a man who built his reputation as a rabble-
rousing figure who promotes views that many view as racist and anti-Semitic
— was then once just another high achiever.
There was a class full of them at HBS, the finishing school for the nation’
s traditional corridors of power and especially its buttoned-down financial
He, like they, was gunning for a top Wall Street job, and wanted to make a
lot of money in a hurry. And yet, as classmates recall, something set him
apart early on. Brash even by Harvard standards, intellectually dominant but
also easy company.
What most can’t find in their recollections is the harshly divisive Steve
Bannon they read about today.
For two years, Bannon was educated by the top business professors in the
country. In stadium-style rooms, he learned how to lead, how to market, and
how to spot a business opportunity that could appeal to the masses.
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Chicago tribune: Louis Farrakhan's anti-Semitism and the sAnti-Semitic Steven Bannon is removed! Major win!
Alberta election called for April 23 as Tories face unprecedented Wildrose fight老毛再世,川普抓军权了!
泰德在Bannon办公室门口排队等着见面This Passover, Free Us From A Failed Jewish Leadership
Rosie O’Donnell Posed as Steve BannonJewish University Presidents Who Abandon Jews
Trump支持白人至上组织Alt Right,川粉怎么spinMore reasons for Jews to vote Republican, or at least not Democrat
Jared Kushner is ‘f*cking furious’西班牙拒绝一犹太人参加音乐会,现在又反悔
话题: bannon话题: he话题: steve话题: business话题: classmates