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USANews版 - Gingrich: Under Trump, China won't intimidate us
川普:美国可以放弃一个中国政策 (转载)这里的版主就是害中国人的
川扑不要脸了,被法官警告别威胁选民。law and order川普幕僚赞川菜热线为好的开始
最不想要看到的事情可能会发生Donald Trump Rally in Atlanta, GA
Trump wants to expand business empire to Taiwan川普一语道破天机:希拉里为什么任命老公掌管经济
More Than 400 Incidents of Hateful Harassment and Intimidation Since the ElectionV5:拉里说trump是urgent threat
这篇文章分析的不错Gingrich: Why the Establishment Was Wrong
话题: trump话题: china话题: gingrich话题: president话题: think
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 897
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich praised President-elect Donald Trump on
Monday for breaking with diplomatic tradition by speaking to the president
of Taiwan, suggesting that their phone call will establish a new, more
favorable relationship for the U.S. with China.
Trump spoke Friday with Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen, the first time
that a president-elect is known to have spoken with Taiwan’s leader in more
than 35 years. The U.S. officially cut ties to the Taiwanese government in
1979, when it recognized the government in Beijing as part of the "One China
" policy. America maintains close but unofficial ties with Taiwan, which
China views as a breakaway province.
“I think this whole state department mythology that we have to somehow let
the Chinese dictate to us is nonsense and I thought it was a good signal to
the world that Donald Trump is going to be his own person,” Gingrich said
on Fox News’ “Fox & Friends” Monday morning. “If the Chinese want to
deal with the United States, they are going to have to actually deal with
the United States. They are not going to be able to intimidate us.”
The former speaker, a close adviser to the president-elect throughout his
campaign, said Trump was right to take the Taiwanese president’s call, as
he would be to communicate with the democratically-elected leader of any
nation. The Manhattan billionaire pledged during his campaign to take a
stronger stance with China, stopping the flow of American jobs there and
addressing its practice of currency manipulation. Trump’s Friday phone call
was a first step in resetting the U.S.-China relationship on better terms.
“I think that for a long time we were intimidated by Beijing, and I think
we were in part patient because we had this theory that they would gradually
mellow and they would become more democratic and freer and more open. Well,
that's not happening right now,” Gingrich said. “We're not the enemies of
China. Let's be very careful. We don't want to start some kind of cold war
with Beijing. But I think we're going to have very tough negotiations and I
think we have to try to understand each other but that means the Chinese
have to try to understand us as much as we have to try to understand them.”
Pushing back against suggestions that Trump’s phone call represented a
haphazard approach to foreign policy, Gingrich said the president-elect is
“winging [it] within some very core principles.” The former speaker urged
Trump to continue to break with diplomatic norms where he sees fit and
called on him to reform the State Department to more closely align with
American values.
“Somehow it's okay with the state department to talk to any dictator on the
planet, but an elected leader of a democracy, boy, that's really dangerous,
” Gingrich said. “Which is why, frankly, I think the next secretary of
state has to spend half their time cleaning out the state department and the
other half their time negotiating with the world.”
发帖数: 2836
发帖数: 897


【在 p******e 的大作中提到】
: Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich praised President-elect Donald Trump on
: Monday for breaking with diplomatic tradition by speaking to the president
: of Taiwan, suggesting that their phone call will establish a new, more
: favorable relationship for the U.S. with China.
: Trump spoke Friday with Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen, the first time
: that a president-elect is known to have spoken with Taiwan’s leader in more
: than 35 years. The U.S. officially cut ties to the Taiwanese government in
: 1979, when it recognized the government in Beijing as part of the "One China
: " policy. America maintains close but unofficial ties with Taiwan, which
: China views as a breakaway province.

发帖数: 8869

【在 p******e 的大作中提到】
: 传粉议一议
: 中美建交以来,土共有没有intimidate老美
: more
: in
: China

发帖数: 2856


【在 p******e 的大作中提到】
: Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich praised President-elect Donald Trump on
: Monday for breaking with diplomatic tradition by speaking to the president
: of Taiwan, suggesting that their phone call will establish a new, more
: favorable relationship for the U.S. with China.
: Trump spoke Friday with Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen, the first time
: that a president-elect is known to have spoken with Taiwan’s leader in more
: than 35 years. The U.S. officially cut ties to the Taiwanese government in
: 1979, when it recognized the government in Beijing as part of the "One China
: " policy. America maintains close but unofficial ties with Taiwan, which
: China views as a breakaway province.

1 (共1页)
Gingrich: Why the Establishment Was WrongMore Than 400 Incidents of Hateful Harassment and Intimidation Since the Election
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CO Democratic lawmaker 的胡言乱语人家老床就接了个电话,看把你们给急的
川普:美国可以放弃一个中国政策 (转载)这里的版主就是害中国人的
川扑不要脸了,被法官警告别威胁选民。law and order川普幕僚赞川菜热线为好的开始
最不想要看到的事情可能会发生Donald Trump Rally in Atlanta, GA
Trump wants to expand business empire to Taiwan川普一语道破天机:希拉里为什么任命老公掌管经济
话题: trump话题: china话题: gingrich话题: president话题: think