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USANews版 - 来欣赏新大法官的文笔吧
民主党「费力把事拖」成局 杯葛戈萨奇任命美参议员:保守派肯尼迪大法官今夏将退休
liberal ok: if we lose, we win'Why do so many reporters insist on misquoting, or ignorin
主党就这样忽悠base:连晚上7点都没等到The NHS kills off 130,000 elderly patients every year
门外汉眼中的蛋糕店事件A nice joke I saw online
床铺自我估计任内提名四个大法官Heathrow: a breathtaking failure of leadership?
床铺DOJ要求实行全国right to workGM要再次recall 三百五十万辆汽车
上任第一年 川普已兑现10个承诺 (ZT)川主席操逼---节选自他前妻自传
话题: parody话题: trial话题: discovery话题: naacp话题: georgia
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29853
“I was taking a breather in the middle of a ski run with little on my mind
but the next mogul field when my phone rang with the news. I immediately
lost what breath I had left, and I am not embarrassed to admit that I couldn
’t see the rest of the way down the mountain for the tears.”
–Recalling the day Justice Antonin Scalia died, in a lecture at Case
Western Reserve University School of law in April, 2016.
'All human beings are intrinsically valuable'
“Having reviewed extant arguments for legalization suggested by the case
law and in contemporary moral-legal debate, in the final part of the book …
I pursue the second purpose of this book, outlining an argument for
retaining current laws banning assisted suicide and euthanasia … It is an
argument premised on the idea that all human beings are intrinsically
valuable and the intentional taking of human life by private persons is
always wrong.”
– From Chapter 1 of Gorsuch’s 2006 book “The Future of Assisted Suicide
and Euthanasia.”
'Discovery artists rather than trial lawyers'
“We might even ask what part the rise of discovery has played in the demise
of the trial. Surely other factors are at play here, given the
disappearance of criminal trials as well. But we've now trained generations
of attorneys as discovery artists rather than trial lawyers. They are
skilled in the game of imposing and evading costs and delays, they are poets
of the nasty gram, able to write interrogatories in iambic pentameter. Yet
terrified of trial.”
– From Gorsuch’s 2013 Barbara K. Olson Memorial lecture speech before the
Federalist Society.
On voter ID
“Because it will divert resources from its regular activities to educate
voters about the requirement of a photo identification and assist voters in
obtaining free identification cards, the NAACP established an injury
sufficient to confer standing to challenge the statute.”
– Common Cause/Georgia v. Billups, 2009, ruling that the NAACP had standing
to sue Georgia election officials in a challenge of a state Voter ID law.
On protecting parody
“The Supreme Court has yet to address how far the First Amendment goes in
protecting parody … And reasonable minds can and do differ about the
soundness of a rule that precludes private persons from recovering for
reputational or emotional damage caused by parody about issues of private
– From a concurrence in Mink v. Knox, a 2010 ruling that a student parody
of a Colorado professor did not amount to “criminal libel.”
发帖数: 12895
1 (共1页)
民主党议员提交议案:废除electoral college床铺DOJ要求实行全国right to work
奥巴马出面:没有任何证据证明美国选举被人Tampered上任第一年 川普已兑现10个承诺 (ZT)
民主党「费力把事拖」成局 杯葛戈萨奇任命美参议员:保守派肯尼迪大法官今夏将退休
liberal ok: if we lose, we win'Why do so many reporters insist on misquoting, or ignorin
主党就这样忽悠base:连晚上7点都没等到The NHS kills off 130,000 elderly patients every year
话题: parody话题: trial话题: discovery话题: naacp话题: georgia