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USANews版 - wow 大料来了
Great News: Obama Finally Gets Back to Fundraising Tonight居然有人对Ivanka不满 非常不像话
共和党建制派支持以色列有情可原,床粉不应该呀This is your brain on Donald Trump
老床出手要颠覆伊朗政权,中共也开始出招Donald Trump, life long sales man绝对不是盖的
内塔尼亚胡:我们用导弹保护平民,他们用平民保护导弹Donald Trump Speaks at AIPAC直播
话题: trump话题: israeli话题: he话题: so话题: people
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1830
发帖数: 10729
Q. Thank you for talking with us. What do you think of Trump’s allegations
against Obama?
A. In the worlds of the Carpenters, “its only just begun”
Q. So was Trump wiretapped as our DHS insider and Robert Steele suggest
A. Yes.
Q. Why?
A. Wrong question
Q. Ok, by whom?
A. Trump tower was bugged by more than just our IC.
Q. WHAT????? Could you elaborate?
A. Brits, Israeli’s. In the fullness of time, much will be revealed
Q. Why the Brits?
A. The same reason as the Israeli’s. Trump is a threat to the Deep State.
The Deep State is a threat to Trump. Globalists are the populations bee
keepers. They harness the energy, they harness the honey. Controlled
Q. So why do you and other insiders leak to us and others?
A. Because once in a while, a bat needs to be taken to the bee hive.
Q. So you want the bees swarming?
A. In a manner of speaking. We leak, so that the people may have a just
outrage and demand a just result. The People outnumber the Government 300 to
1. It’s a numbers game. We expected high level arrests to happen weeks
ago, but discovered the bee keepers had interfered at the highest levels.
There is an internal war within our Government, as many know. The Shadow
State is like a vampire facing dawn. They do not go easily into sunlit areas.
Q. So why did the Israeli’s bug Trump
A The same reason they keep close tabs on Jared Kushner, who I fully expect
will be let go by Trump soon. There is too much liability with Kushner.
Kushner has pressure from the Israeli lobby and Trump knows he is a delivery
boy for AIPAC. The Israeli’s bugged Trump because they were concerned
about Bannon, America First, the possibility that with a Trump win, they
would see their foreign aid cut, which by the way, is going to happen.
Q. What do you think of David Seaman? Is he a Mossad asset?
A. Never heard of him.
Q. How will this all play out?
A. We are entering a time of political purge – the likes of which has not
been seen for decades, if not centuries. Trump has the evidence he needs to
launch an investigation into a myriad of DC collusions. He must concentrate
on the communications between Lynch, Bill Clinton, Obama, and Brennan. He
needs to get serious with the pedophilia investigation because he can bring
down his enemies in one fell swoop. McCain, Graham, Obama, Bill Clinton, and
so on… His greatest tools include the Wiener file titled “Life Insurance
“. (Names, dates, photo’s, videos) and the Epstein videos captured by NSA
when they were being delivered to Israeli intel, Wiener and Epstein. But,
his greatest tool is the collective rage of the People. Trump must prosecute
#PedoGate. The relationship between Schumer and Wiener must be explored.
It may lead to some stunning climaxes, if you can excuse the pun.
Q. This is huge!
A. As I said before, there is enough underbelly rot to collapse not only
our Government, but collapse the Likud part in Israel and expose a huge
political pedophile ring that exists in the US, UK, Asia, etc. All inter-
connected. And that’s not even venturing into the extortion aspect.
Q. Will it get bloody?
A. Lets just say its flag weather.
Q. Any advice for Trump?
A He who hesitates is lost…..
发帖数: 10729
the collective rage of the People
the collective love of the People for a just US
发帖数: 35261
A. Trump tower was bugged by more than just our IC.
Q. WHAT????? Could you elaborate?
A. Brits, Israeli’s. In the fullness of time, much will be revealed

【在 s****d 的大作中提到】
: http://linkis.com/victuruslibertas.com/aecV9
发帖数: 2808
"expose a huge political pedophile ring that exists in the US, UK, Asia, etc
. All inter-connected. " 看起来有好多人在pedophile圈子里, 这些人玩弄毁灭了
发帖数: 29846
恩,我觉得有点假. 因为他讲到likud part,要知道likud集团是坚决反对和巴勒斯坦妥
协的. 因为以色列和巴勒斯坦妥协的结果就是以色列的彻底完蛋.所以如果likud集团完
蛋, 那么等于以色列就完蛋了. 这个绝对不利于美国的利益.
发帖数: 1112
发帖数: 4716
你没看到另外一个问题 为什么美国知道外国情报机构监督Trump

【在 a***4 的大作中提到】
: 左左无底线
1 (共1页)
He has been a president老床出手要颠覆伊朗政权,中共也开始出招
美国两党去AIPAC朝圣 (转载)内塔尼亚胡:我们用导弹保护平民,他们用平民保护导弹
Great News: Obama Finally Gets Back to Fundraising Tonight居然有人对Ivanka不满 非常不像话
话题: trump话题: israeli话题: he话题: so话题: people