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USANews版 - Donnie Moscow2天里的6个反转,这很尴尬啊
trump有前途啊 很快就是个政治家了居然会有人认为Trump不交税makes him smart?疯了吗?
川普被困电梯,民怨沸腾on 11/9 I'll be saying, "I didn't vote for Donald Trump, because "look at him"
澄清一个误解Donnie已经证实了Trump Tower有见不得人的谈话?
Donnie Moscow质问:为什么IC不调查克林顿家族?看了几分钟电视,左逼已经承认 wire tap 的事情了
Trump an ‘idiot’ on China, has ‘no clue what currency manipulation meansTrump衰老得很快呀,压力山大,唉
床铺就是民主党卧底呀, 想让美国血流尽而亡,同意民主党对债务不 (转载)Backfire了,唉
Republican party has spent 0 dollars for Trump's campaign泡软对Trump下手了,一箭双雕真歹毒啊
话题: said话题: trump话题: he话题: obsolete话题: week
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1091
In Wall Street Journal today, said "the Chinese are not currency
manipulators", despite saying last week they were "world champions" of
currency manipulation, and blaming Obama on Twitter in 2012 of failing to
label them such.
- Said he likes a "low interest rate policy" although he said in the past
that the Fed keeping rates low would lead to hyperinflation.
- Said he was open to reappointing Janet Yellen to lead the Federal Reserve
although while campaigning he indicated he'd replace her.
- Now supports the Import-Export Bank because it helps small companies but
previously said it was unnecessary during the campaign.
- Also on Wednesday, Trump reversed his position on NATO, telling reporters,
“They made a change and now they do fight terrorism. I said it was
obsolete. It’s no longer obsolete.”
- This week’s reversals follow his shift on Syria last week, when Trump
fired cruise missiles at an airbase after repeatedly saying he opposed U.S.
involvement in the country’s civil war.
发帖数: 882


【在 H***u 的大作中提到】
: Trump到底支持还是反对全球化?支持还是反对海外打仗?川粉来说说?
: In Wall Street Journal today, said "the Chinese are not currency
: manipulators", despite saying last week they were "world champions" of
: currency manipulation, and blaming Obama on Twitter in 2012 of failing to
: label them such.
: - Said he likes a "low interest rate policy" although he said in the past
: that the Fed keeping rates low would lead to hyperinflation.
: - Said he was open to reappointing Janet Yellen to lead the Federal Reserve
: although while campaigning he indicated he'd replace her.
: - Now supports the Import-Export Bank because it helps small companies but

发帖数: 1091

: 六个180度,也就是三个转体动作,对于trump这么牛的gymnast,难度不大

: Reserve

【在 t**********r 的大作中提到】
: 六个180度,也就是三个转体动作,对于trump这么牛的gymnast,难度不大
: Reserve

1 (共1页)
泡软对Trump下手了,一箭双雕真歹毒啊Trump an ‘idiot’ on China, has ‘no clue what currency manipulation means
Trump又被抓了现行,唉床铺就是民主党卧底呀, 想让美国血流尽而亡,同意民主党对债务不 (转载)
"I have tremendous respect for women" - Trump川普今天略显紧张,但反应很快,几个tough问题都还不错
Trump新政策拿不出手,所以川粉只好炒冷饭?Republican party has spent 0 dollars for Trump's campaign
trump有前途啊 很快就是个政治家了居然会有人认为Trump不交税makes him smart?疯了吗?
川普被困电梯,民怨沸腾on 11/9 I'll be saying, "I didn't vote for Donald Trump, because "look at him"
澄清一个误解Donnie已经证实了Trump Tower有见不得人的谈话?
Donnie Moscow质问:为什么IC不调查克林顿家族?看了几分钟电视,左逼已经承认 wire tap 的事情了
话题: said话题: trump话题: he话题: obsolete话题: week