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USANews版 - 一个dreamer被遣返了
Deported DREAMer drops lawsuit法官要求trump全面恢复DACA
墨西哥政府准备好接受被遣返的非法移民 (转载)DACA recipient 已经生了4个娃,最大的17岁, 最小的8岁.
HSS:Don't use Dreamer data for deportations从绿卡能到公民,公民又能给父母办绿卡
ICE抓了个DREAMERRe: schumer又退了,民主党还是不敢用Wall换DACA
白宫:国会要干他们应该干的事情迈阿密大学宣布给所有dreamer 免学费食宿
话题: daca话题: montes话题: his话题: usa话题: today
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 61690
Federal agents have deported the first “Dreamer” of President Trump’s
tenure so far, according to an examination of his administration’s
immigration policies.
Juan Manuel Montes, who first arrived in the U.S. at age 9, is now in his
native Mexico despite having active protection under the Deferred Action for
Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, USA Today reported Tuesday.
“Some people told me that they were going to deport me; others said nothing
would happen,” Montes said from his relatives' home in western Mexico.
“I thought that if I kept my nose clean nothing would happen,” he added,
requesting the exact location of his whereabouts remain unknown.
USA Today said a U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CPB) officer approached
Montes, 23, the evening of Feb. 17 in Calexico, Calif.
Montes had left his wallet in a friend’s car, meaning he could not display
his ID or DACA status during the encounter. He ended up in Mexico hours
later, USA Today reported, after agents told him he could not retrieve his
USA Today added that Montes was twice granted deportation protections under
DACA before his ejection in February.
DACA lets qualifying undocumented immigrants brought to the U.S. as children
obtain work permits and relief from deportation based on their migratory
Former President Obama first implemented the policy in June 2012, and it now
boasts 750,000 participants.
Trump vowed to end DACA during his 2016 election campaign but has since
spoken sympathetically of the young people benefiting from it.
“DACA is a very, very difficult subject for me,” he said in February,
adding he hoped to tackle the issue “with heart.”
United We Dream, an advocacy organization made up of DACA enrollees and
other young immigrants, says at least 10 recipients are in federal custody.
The Trump administration has said DACA recipients are not a deportation
priority, with its focus instead being criminal undocumented immigrants.
1 (共1页)
Dreamers 要完蛋了佛州州长希望国会能保护dreamers
DACA will end (CBS news)白宫:国会要干他们应该干的事情
不deport daca我作为川粉都可以接受加州大学也来凑热闹了,也告trump了
Deported DREAMer drops lawsuit法官要求trump全面恢复DACA
墨西哥政府准备好接受被遣返的非法移民 (转载)DACA recipient 已经生了4个娃,最大的17岁, 最小的8岁.
HSS:Don't use Dreamer data for deportations从绿卡能到公民,公民又能给父母办绿卡
ICE抓了个DREAMERRe: schumer又退了,民主党还是不敢用Wall换DACA
话题: daca话题: montes话题: his话题: usa话题: today