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USANews版 - 美国的tax code是应该好好情理一下了
CFO.com: Obama Tax Plan Bypasses Pass-throughsTrump’s Tax Accountant: ‘I’m The One Who Did All The Work’
October 4 Poll: 56 percent view Obama favorably. (转载)Study: Obama's Spending Plan Raises Middle Class Taxes
2014年21%的儿童在使用食品券God Damn California
A deeply misleading picture of the actual federal tax burdenTaxing the rich is never going to be the solution
How To Run Record Deficits? Have 60% Of Taxpayers Receive More Than They PayFound this nice one "TAX" from Yahoo comment.
2010年美国40%家庭负担106.2%联邦所得税Hillary Clinton’s Speech Well-Received
看看你的州的房产税是多少78% of Americans want a bailout
话题: businesses话题: percent话题: taxes话题: small话题: business
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
太复杂, 太麻烦. 浪费老百姓和企业的钱.
By Ali Meyer • Washington Free Beacon
One in five small businesses, or 22 percent, pay at least $10,000 on the
administration of federal taxes each year, according to the National Small
Business Association’s 2017 taxation survey. This does not include the
money that a business owes the IRS in taxes.
Five percent of small businesses pay more than $40,000 a year on the
administration of federal taxes, seven percent pay between $20,001 and $40,
000, and ten percent pay between $10,001 to $20,000. The majority of
businesses, 67 percent, pay more than $1,000.
Small businesses and their staff also spend significant amounts of time
dealing with taxes, whether it be by filing reports, working with
accountants, or calculating payroll. Twenty percent of businesses spend more
than 120 hours annually.
In addition, the majority of small businesses have someone else handle the
company’s taxes. Only 16 percent of small businesses handle the taxes by
themselves, 61 percent have an external tax practitioner or accountant
handle the taxes, and 23 percent of businesses had a combination of both.
More businesses are frustrated with the administrative burden that taxes put
on them as opposed to the actual amount of taxes they are paying to the IRS.
Fifty-eight percent of businesses said the administrative aspects of the tax
code imposed the largest burden on them. Only 38 percent of small
businesses said the financial cost was the largest burden.
Thirty-two percent of small businesses say that federal taxes have a
significant impact on the day-to-day operation of their business, while 11
percent said it had no impact.
Small businesses were asked which type of tax reform proposals they
supported the most. The majority, 65 percent, said that they supported
reducing corporate taxes, individual taxes, and business and individual
deductions. Nearly half of small businesses, 45 percent, said that they
thought high tax rates hurt global competitiveness the most.
“While the real chance for broad tax reform in a generation hangs in the
balance in Congress, small-business owners across the country are united in
the stress and frustration associated with the countless hours and mountains
of paperwork required to file their federal taxes,” the report states. “
The federal tax burden is consistently ranked among the top issues facing
small business, and one-in-three small businesses report spending more than
80 hours—two full work weeks—each year on federal taxes.”
发帖数: 5274
1 (共1页)
78% of Americans want a bailoutA deeply misleading picture of the actual federal tax burden
Obama to Plumber: My Plan Will 'Spread the Wealth Around'How To Run Record Deficits? Have 60% Of Taxpayers Receive More Than They Pay
Re: 这里没人关注医保改革吗?现在的提案很吓人。2010年美国40%家庭负担106.2%联邦所得税
CFO.com: Obama Tax Plan Bypasses Pass-throughsTrump’s Tax Accountant: ‘I’m The One Who Did All The Work’
October 4 Poll: 56 percent view Obama favorably. (转载)Study: Obama's Spending Plan Raises Middle Class Taxes
2014年21%的儿童在使用食品券God Damn California
话题: businesses话题: percent话题: taxes话题: small话题: business