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USANews版 - US to sell $1.4B in weapons to Taiwan (转载)
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正在北京与中方进行副部级会谈的美国财政部副部长说3月1日贸易停火截止日期不会延长。Trump v5:bill clinton支持率暴跌
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话题: us话题: taiwan话题: trump话题: chinese话题: president
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6963
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: manpower (cool), 信区: Military
标 题: US to sell $1.4B in weapons to Taiwan
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Jun 29 23:34:36 2017, 美东)
The US' decision to go ahead with the sale of a $1.4 billion arms package to
Taiwan threatens to undermine US-Chinese relations, China's ambassador to
Washington said.
Speaking to reporters at an embassy reception in DC Thursday, Ambassador Cui
Tiankai said recent US moves eroded the trust built when US President
Donald Trump met Chinese President Xi Jinping in Florida in April.
"All these actions -- sanctions against Chinese companies and especially
arms sales to Taiwan -- will certainly undermine the mutual confidence
between the two sides and runs counter to the spirit of the Mar-a-Lago
summit," Cui said, Reuters reported.
On Thursday, the Trump administration notified Congress of its plans to go
ahead with the controversial arms package, the first such sale under
President Trump.
State Department spokesperson Heather Nauert said the agreement included "
seven proposed defense sales for Taiwan," adding that the deal was valued at
"about $1.42 billion."
1 (共1页)
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secret service调查trump的前管家Rasmussen poll:Trump40%, Hillary 39%
驻中国大使出炉了 - Iowa Governor BranstadTrump竞选途中住Holiday Inn Express
正在北京与中方进行副部级会谈的美国财政部副部长说3月1日贸易停火截止日期不会延长。Trump v5:bill clinton支持率暴跌
各位将军:我帝撇开我鳖能单独搞定朝鲜不? (转载)Herman Cain - “Get over it, Establishment.”
蜜汁自信:川普 我的头13个礼拜是历史上最成功的论攻击Trump的办法
话题: us话题: taiwan话题: trump话题: chinese话题: president