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USANews版 - Trudeau to US: Ditch 'America First'
关于NAFTA, 谁能帮我回答一下这个问题?Refugees continue to cross from US to Canada in unprecedented numbers
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话题: trudeau话题: us话题: mr话题: governors话题: trade
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发帖数: 2318
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has told governors from across the US to ditch
the "America First" motto.
His National Governors' Association speech in Rhode Island on Friday was a
first for a Canadian prime minister.
In his speech, Mr Trudeau urged US governors to embrace their neighbour to
the north and avoid protectionism.
It is all a part of his aggressive strategy to promote a "thinner border"
ahead of vital trade talks with the US renegotiating the Nafta treaty.
President Donald Trump has made "America First" his mantra, shaping his
policies on trade and immigration.
But Mr Trudeau, who is a fierce advocate of free trade, told the governors
protectionist policies "kill growth".
"And that hurts the very workers these measures are nominally intended to
protect. Once we travel down that road, it can quickly become a cycle of tit
-for-tat, a race to the bottom, where all sides lose," Mr Trudeau said.
"If anything, we would like a thinner border, not a thicker one."
Earlier in the day, Mr Trudeau had talks with governors from Wisconsin,
Kentucky, Rhode Island and Iowa.
Nafta is a controversial trade deal between US, Mexico and Canada, which Mr
Trump has threatened to rip up because he said it is unfair to the US.
With Nafta renegotiations set to begin in August, Canada must use whatever
time is left to convince leaders that bilateral trade between the two
countries must be a priority.
Public policy specialist Maryscott Greenwood said "the timing is perfect"
for Mr Trudeau's visit.
"This is a big, high stake negotiation," she said. "I do not think he wants
to leave any stone unturned, he has got to try everything.
"We do not really know who is going to be the most influential, which thing
will be the turning point, and what is going to resonate with people, so
they have got to try everything and hope that it comes out well in the end."
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At the governors meeting, Mr Trudeau said "Nafta isn't perfect" but that
states should urge the federal government to fix it, instead of scrapping it
all together.
"More trade barriers, more local continent provisions... does not help
working families over the long term, nor the mid term."
Historically, trade between the two nations has been hashed out by the
respective countries' cabinet ministers, Ms Greenwood said.
But over the past several months, Canada has sent everyone from cabinet
ministers to provincial premiers to the mayor of Toronto to plead its case.
"The level of intensity is new," Ms Greenwood said. "I think that is utterly
unprecedented, and entirely appropriate [given the circumstances]."
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发帖数: 2438
1 (共1页)
Donald Trump just exposed America's dirty little secret: Schiff老创威武,加拿大厂家坐不住了
Can someone explain this: Trump plan about China & H1Bmccain又出来了
我来说说可能的"trade war“加拿大总理也打反川小丑的脸。反对非法移民。
关于NAFTA, 谁能帮我回答一下这个问题?Refugees continue to cross from US to Canada in unprecedented numbers
CNN: Obama promised renegotiating NAFTA川普竟拿关税要挟加拿大墨西哥跪下
Donald Trump Full Economic Plan Remarks in Detroit (转载)小土豆的自由党大选一败涂地,被人民赶下台
Trump vs 希拉里的政策差别RI Gov. Chafee Shows Lack of Knowledge of Immigration Law
话题: trudeau话题: us话题: mr话题: governors话题: trade