f**********n 发帖数: 29853 | |
T**********e 发帖数: 29576 | |
f**********n 发帖数: 29853 | 3 俺要是单独和其他女性吃饭,一定和太太报备,来不及报备也一定在饭桌上通知太太。
【在 T**********e 的大作中提到】 : vp不和其她女的吃饭已经被批是歧视女性。
T*******u 发帖数: 1908 | 4 前几天NPR里还听到一个女嘉宾说不和其他女人单独吃饭影响工作,是歧视女性
麻痹什么工作是必须和女性单独吃饭才能完成的?! |
c*******o 发帖数: 8869 | 5 不吃饭不是歧视女性。
【在 T**********e 的大作中提到】 : vp不和其她女的吃饭已经被批是歧视女性。
c*******o 发帖数: 8869 | 6 During his 12 years in Congress, Pence had rules to avoid any infidelity
temptations, or even rumors of impropriety. Those included requiring that
any aide who had to work late to assist him be male, never dining alone with
a woman other than his wife, and not attending an event where alcohol is
served unless Karen was there.
哈哈,gay, no question about it...
【在 c*******o 的大作中提到】 : 不吃饭不是歧视女性。
t**********r 发帖数: 882 | 7 Both are weirdos
:俺请求左派攻击我。 |
f**********n 发帖数: 29853 | 8 胡说八道,你土鳖。和虔诚基督教打过交道的人都能理解。
【在 t**********r 的大作中提到】 : Both are weirdos : : :俺请求左派攻击我。
s*********r 发帖数: 9493 | 9 彭叔肯定是Gay,但我还是比较尊重他。尊重,与他是gay无关。
【在 c*******o 的大作中提到】 : During his 12 years in Congress, Pence had rules to avoid any infidelity : temptations, or even rumors of impropriety. Those included requiring that : any aide who had to work late to assist him be male, never dining alone with : a woman other than his wife, and not attending an event where alcohol is : served unless Karen was there. : 哈哈,gay, no question about it...
f**********n 发帖数: 29853 | 10 你应该叫副总统彭弟,或者彭侄。
【在 s*********r 的大作中提到】 : 彭叔肯定是Gay,但我还是比较尊重他。尊重,与他是gay无关。 : 楼主也是个gay,而且我非常讨厌他。讨厌,与他是gay无关。 : : with
k******0 发帖数: 2438 | 11 楼上门狗和舔吗眼里,男人要么是章鱼要么是gay ,门狗是暗示自己是gay 咯? |