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USANews版 - 女人上了帅哥事后开始不认账反咬一口了
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话题: carter话题: schuman话题: he话题: melissa话题: her
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'Shocked and Saddened.’ Backstreet Boys’ Nick Carter Responds to
Melissa Schuman’s Rape Claim
"It is contrary to my nature and everything I hold dear to intentionally
cause someone discomfort or harm”
Melissa Chan
Nick Carter of the Backstreet Boys said he was “shocked and saddened”
Wednesday after pop singer Melissa Schuman accused him of raping her and
forcefully taking her virginity about 15 years ago.
Schuman, who rose to fame in the early 2000s as a member of the girl group
Dream, said in a blog post earlier this month that she was 18 when Carter
allegedly forced her to give him oral sex and have intercourse at his
California apartment. Carter disputed the accusation in a statement obtained
by TIME, saying everything the two singers did was consensual.
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“Melissa never expressed to me while we were together or at any time since
that anything we did was not consensual,” he said. “We went on to record a
song and perform together, and I was always respectful and supportive of
Melissa both personally and professionally. This is the first that I am
hearing about these accusations, nearly two decades later. It is contrary to
my nature and everything I hold dear to intentionally cause someone
discomfort or harm.”
Schuman said she and Carter, 22 at the time, were both cast in the same
movie years ago when he invited her over to hang out and drink with a small
group of friends. At one point, the two began kissing and Carter led them
into a nearby bathroom, where he began unbuttoning her pants to give her
oral sex.
“I told him I didn’t want to go any further,” Schuman said, adding that
Carter was aware she was a virgin and saving herself for marriage. “He didn
’t listen. He didn’t care. He told me, ‘Don’t worry. I won’t tell
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Schuman said they eventually moved to another bathroom, where she claimed he
forced her to perform oral sex on him, and then to the bedroom, where he
allegedly raped her. “It was done,” she said. “The one thing I had held
as a virtue had been ruined. I went limp, turned my head to my left and
decided I would just go to sleep now.”
Schuman said she kept the incident a secret from the public for years but
felt moved to come forward with her story after dozens of victims of sexual
assault came forward to accuse other public figures.
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Obama 的确对GS下手巴马带来的改变:“只有在今天的华盛顿,才有总统绕过自己宣称的不许雇用游说人的禁令,雇用游说公司的老板”
话题: carter话题: schuman话题: he话题: melissa话题: her