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USANews版 - 犹他高中 USA flag destroyed, replaced with 'ISIS flag'
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话题: flag话题: isis话题: school话题: hurricane话题: replaced
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 24733
An American flag at a high school in Southwest Utah was found destroyed and
replaced with an ISIS flag Thursday, Fox 13 reported.
An unknown perpetrator had taken down the flag at Hurricane High School,
which is in the Washington County School District, and replaced it with “
what looked like a flag used by ISIS,” police said.
The American flag was left shredded at the scene. The words “ISIS is COMI”
had been spray-painted on a wall on the school’s east side, KUTV reported.
Ken Thompson, a spokesman for Hurricane Police department, said authorities
don’t know if the perpetrator was a student or someone from outside the
"Officers have received tips this morning and they’re following those leads
and so far they haven’t generated a credible lead but tips can help us out
a lot,” he said.
Hurricane Police sent additional officers to the school Thursday to reassure
students and faculty of their safety. Classes resumed normally on Thursday
and will reportedly continue through Friday.
Authorities released a statement saying school employees have replaced the
“ISIS flag” with a new American flag, and removed the graffiti. Images of
the ISIS flag were then sent to the FBI for analysis.
“[B]ased on information we received from the FBI we do not believe this act
was perpetrated by someone linked to the Islamic State,” Hurricane PD said
in a statement. “This investigation is ongoing and investigators will
continue to follow-up on leads.”
发帖数: 25
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话题: flag话题: isis话题: school话题: hurricane话题: replaced