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USANews版 - Re: 琐男怎么办,川大爷要限制中国学生签证了 (转载)
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话题: china话题: students话题: visas话题: trade话题: education
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发帖数: 6601
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: cccpwx (暱稱太短), 信区: Military
标 题: Re: 琐男怎么办,川大爷要限制中国学生签证了
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Mar 17 14:59:34 2018, 美东)
Targeting China, Trump Threatens Student Visas. That Would Hit a Big U.S.
WASHINGTON—The Trump administration’s proposed crackdown on China’s trade
practices could hit one sector where the U.S. runs a big trade surplus:
higher education.
The White House is considering limiting visas to Chinese students as part of
a broad package of measures targeting Beijing, which the U.S. accuses of
violating intellectual-property laws and other misdeeds. A White House
official said the package, including tariffs, could be unveiled later this
The U.S. has long run a large trade deficit in goods and services with China
and the rest of the world. In the education industry, the U.S. runs a
global trade surplus—in no small part due to China.
China sends more students to the U.S. than any other nation, accounting for
roughly one-third of the 1.1 million international students enrolled at
American universities in the 2016-2017 academic year. China has long valued
access to U.S. colleges and universities, which consistently rank among the
best in the world.
When international students and their families spend money at American
colleges, it is considered an export for the U.S. because money flows from a
foreign country to the U.S.
Foreign students attending American educational institutions accounted for $
39.4 billion in U.S. exports in 2016, Commerce Department data show. That
figure mainly reflects the tuition students pay and excludes spending on
many other goods and services, such as rent, clothing or food.
By contrast, Americans studying abroad bought $7.6 billion in education
imports that year. That means the U.S. ran a trade surplus of nearly $32
billion in education, one of the largest of any industry. It is close to the
U.S. civilian aircraft industry’s $43 billion surplus in trade last year.
The anti-China package is part of a broader push by President
Donald Trump
to reduce the nation’s overall trade deficit, which reached $568.4 billion
in 2017. Some economists say the effort to crack down on China—along with a
separate U.S. push to reduce immigration—could inadvertently hurt the U.S.
where it has a comparative trade advantage.
“I’m mind-boggled,” said Dick Startz, an economics professor at the
University of California Santa Barbara. “Higher education is a place where
we have a major trade surplus with the world. Doing something to hurt that
is obviously going to make our trade balance worse.”
Reducing student visas would also likely hurt American students.
International students have become a big source of cash for U.S. colleges,
since they generally pay full tuition, with no discounts, Mr. Startz said.
They often pay two or three times what American students pay at many public
colleges. If colleges lose that income, they could be tempted to offset the
losses by raising prices on American students, he said.
The threat of limiting visas to Chinese students could be a negotiating
tactic—a way to apply political pressure on Beijing to change its trade
practices, said
David Dollar
of the nonprofit Brookings Institution. Many Chinese students come from
elite and politically influential families, Mr. Dollar said. The daughter of
China’s President
Xi Jinping,
Xi Mingze, graduated from Harvard University in 2015.
“Limiting Chinese student visas in the U.S. is another way of catching
China’s attention,” said Mr. Dollar, an expert on U.S.-China relations who
previously served as a Treasury official in the Obama administration. “In
terms of China developing, to have some of their elite students coming to
the best universities in the world, that helps their future economy.”
Higher education has been an especially successful U.S. export. Since 2008,
inflation-adjusted exports have grown 26%, while inflation-adjusted
education exports have risen about 80%.
Mr. Startz estimates overall spending from international students—including
room and board and other areas—is near $50 billion. That estimate puts
higher education on par with some of America’s biggest traditional
manufacturing industries. In 2017, the U.S. exported $52 billion of
passenger cars, $56 billion of civilian aircraft and $48 billion of
While some international students have their education paid for as teaching
assistants working on federal grants, about 60% primarily pay for their
education themselves, and an additional 5.7% have their education funded by
foreign governments or universities sending payments to the U.S., according
to the nonprofit Institute of International Education.
The number of visas awarded to foreign students fell 17% in the year through
last September and were down 40% from a fiscal 2015 peak, State Department
data show. Visas for students from China fell 24% in the last fiscal year,
but much of that reduction can be traced to a 2014 change in visa terms for
Chinese students. Their visas are now good for five years, instead of one,
meaning there are fewer visa renewals but not necessarily fewer students.
—Josh Zumbrun contributed to this article.
Write to Josh Mitchell at [email protected] and Melissa Korn at
[email protected]
发帖数: 3813
obama is the best ever president
Visas for students from China fell 24% in the last fiscal year,
but much of that reduction can be traced to a 2014 change in visa terms for
Chinese students. Their visas are now good for five years, instead of one,
meaning there are fewer visa renewals but not necessarily fewer students


【在 c****x 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
: 发信人: cccpwx (暱稱太短), 信区: Military
: 标 题: Re: 琐男怎么办,川大爷要限制中国学生签证了
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Mar 17 14:59:34 2018, 美东)
: http://uschnews.com/targeting-china-trump-threatens-student-visas-that-would-hit-a-big-u-s-export/
: Targeting China, Trump Threatens Student Visas. That Would Hit a Big U.S.
: Export
: WASHINGTON—The Trump administration’s proposed crackdown on China’s trade
: practices could hit one sector where the U.S. runs a big trade surplus:
: higher education.

发帖数: 5274
发帖数: 1491
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看了一下Fake News上彭斯讲话的美国民众的评论,笑了。 (转载)川普看人很准啊
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话题: china话题: students话题: visas话题: trade话题: education