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USANews版 - 你是为什么来美国的?
Biden tells audience middle class has been 'buried' last four years来个轻松的, and bi-partisian
奥兰多血案后,LGBT纷纷买枪自卫U have been buried for past 4 yrs. yeah.
Buried in Eloquence, Obama Contradictions About PastorBiden: middle class was buried in the last 4 years
不理解为啥很多人本能认为民主党更主张种族平等.大家的医疗保险涨价了么? Mine ^~80%
开会碰到韩国教授Bill Gates: more power to Prez.Zero
Unions to spend $100M in 2010 campaignZT:非法移民罪犯超过美国主要城市人口
骇客电邮惊暴:bin laden并未被尸陈大海! (转载)原来希拉里搞私人server的目的是这个!
Biden: Middle Class 'Has Been Buried the Last Four Years'FL最新的两个POLL,川普都领先希拉里。。。
话题: your话题: my话题: euthanized话题: place话题: dear
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 10518
Dear Mrs. Scarpa,
I am impressed by your outfit on interview. If you so miss your hometown,
the Great Italy, you should go back to see it, which is good for your health.
I can understand the feeling of being home sick because I come to the state
when I was 27 to study Biology. I choose USA to be the place for my soul.I
mean my children will bury my ashes at Cary Memorial Park. Every immigrants
come to the state for a reason. I like your story.
You are so wrong to think I was there to create problems.
From my professional perspective, I believe Gwendolyn need to be euthanized.
But that is your place, your decision.
Best regards
发帖数: 10518


【在 C*********X 的大作中提到】
: Dear Mrs. Scarpa,
: I am impressed by your outfit on interview. If you so miss your hometown,
: the Great Italy, you should go back to see it, which is good for your health.
: I can understand the feeling of being home sick because I come to the state
: when I was 27 to study Biology. I choose USA to be the place for my soul.I
: mean my children will bury my ashes at Cary Memorial Park. Every immigrants
: come to the state for a reason. I like your story.
: You are so wrong to think I was there to create problems.
: From my professional perspective, I believe Gwendolyn need to be euthanized.
: But that is your place, your decision.

发帖数: 10518
Dear Mrs. Scarpa,
I am impressed by your outfit on interview. If you so miss your hometown,the
Great Italy, you should go back to see it, which is good for your health.I
can understand the feeling of being home sick because I came to the
statewhen I was 27 to study Biology. I choose USA to be the place for my
soul.Imean my children will bury my ashes at Cary Memorial Park. Every
immigrant comes to the state for a reason. I like your story.
You are so wrong to think I was there to create problems.
From my professional perspective, I believe Gwendolyn need to be euthanized.
But that is your place, your decision.
Best regards
发帖数: 10518
发帖数: 10518
I have never seen drug


【在 C*********X 的大作中提到】
: Dear Mrs. Scarpa,
: I am impressed by your outfit on interview. If you so miss your hometown,
: the Great Italy, you should go back to see it, which is good for your health.
: I can understand the feeling of being home sick because I come to the state
: when I was 27 to study Biology. I choose USA to be the place for my soul.I
: mean my children will bury my ashes at Cary Memorial Park. Every immigrants
: come to the state for a reason. I like your story.
: You are so wrong to think I was there to create problems.
: From my professional perspective, I believe Gwendolyn need to be euthanized.
: But that is your place, your decision.

1 (共1页)
Clinton Crime Family tried to bury BernUnions to spend $100M in 2010 campaign
FBI: evidence tampering in Clinton email case骇客电邮惊暴:bin laden并未被尸陈大海! (转载)
FOXNEWS: An "avalanche of evidence" may now bury HillaryBiden: Middle Class 'Has Been Buried the Last Four Years'
Biden tells audience middle class has been 'buried' last four years来个轻松的, and bi-partisian
奥兰多血案后,LGBT纷纷买枪自卫U have been buried for past 4 yrs. yeah.
Buried in Eloquence, Obama Contradictions About PastorBiden: middle class was buried in the last 4 years
不理解为啥很多人本能认为民主党更主张种族平等.大家的医疗保险涨价了么? Mine ^~80%
话题: your话题: my话题: euthanized话题: place话题: dear