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USANews版 - nuclear fusion 进展不错
WSJ:Global Warming Models Are Wrong Again全球每天花在所谓的"全球暖化"上的钱接近10亿美元
Global warming stopped 16 years agoM/P is so hot in MEDIA, PA today.
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the interior of the earth is extremely hot - several milli9月7日川普希拉里将出席同一forum,回答问题
Global Warming ‘Experts’ Admit: We Lied大学毕业的白人更支持克林顿
话题: reactor话题: celsius话题: nuclear话题: energy话题: achieved
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 10729
A huge milestone was achieved in the development of a nuclear fusion reactor
as a UK-based device passed 15 million degrees Celsius, making it hotter
than the sun’s core.
The past few years have seen some major leaps in nuclear energy, potentially
offering the world a cost-effective, near-limitless and safe source of
clean energy.
Notable breakthroughs include efforts by a team of physicists from Colorado
State University that achieved record efficiency in a microscale nuclear
fusion reactor, as well as Princeton University finding a means to use
artificial intelligence to make reactors more stable.
Now, a company called Tokamak Energy in the UK has revealed that its compact
spherical tokamak reactor, dubbed ST40, has achieved a major milestone in
surpassing plasma temperatures of 15 million degrees Celsius.
In doing so, it has actually surpassed the temperature of the sun’s centre
and could pave the way for the company producing industrial-scale energy by
However, despite this seemingly impossible feat, a functioning reactor to
satisfy world demand will need to achieve plasma temperatures significantly
hotter than this, somewhere in the region of 100 million degrees Celsius.
1 (共1页)
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特朗普口误疑泄露美国最新战机?一场乌龙但F-52真的存在Tuesday’s GOP Schedule: Chris Christie, Ann Romney
话题: reactor话题: celsius话题: nuclear话题: energy话题: achieved