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USANews版 - 美国现在已经公开讨论如何在内战中生存 (转载)
作死的教会Federal education spending explodes under Obama
Iran offers to help cities devastated by Hurricane Sandy别做梦了,不要以为警察会永远保护良民 (转载)
克林顿基金94%用于人员费用,黑店美红十字9%用于人员费用看两党提出的budget plan很有意思
Trump is fighting more than ClintonRubio warns that Obama could expand deferred deportation to (转载)
"Another number to watch: 13 percent."芝加哥警察总长被开除了 (转载)
GOP chief: Republicans 'screwed up' after Reagan这些神棍,necon等越这样起而不舍的反,长远倒帮了trump
奥总统花钱又要破记录了。Mr. Trump’s Foreign Policy Confusions
大赦了,大赦了. (转载)为什么我要用强大的声音反对trump
话题: make话题: your话题: check话题: sure话题: up
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 38600
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: beijingren (to thine own self be true), 信区: Military
标 题: 美国现在已经公开讨论如何在内战中生存
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jun 30 08:52:54 2018, 美东)
How to Survive the Civil Unrest That’s Coming to America
Here’s a quick checklist:
Check your pantry and fill any gaps in your food preps.
Order emergency food buckets
Get your water preps in order
Get cash in small denominations out of the bank.
Make sure you have enough garbage bags, pet supplies, and toiletries.
Pick up a copy of a comprehensive preparedness guide like The Prepper’s
Check your supply of candles, matches, and lighters. (This article has more
Flashlight and spare batteries and/or dynamo wind up flashlights.
Make sure all electronics are fully charged and keep them charged during the
lead-up to an event
Make sure any cell phone battery packs are fully charged.
Fill up your gas tank up to the max.
If your vehicle isn’t in a garage park it trunk end in as close to a wall
as you can. This makes it harder to get to the tank to either steal the fuel
or set fire to it.
Check your home security – walk around looking at your property as if you
were a burglar and take appropriate action to improve security if required.
Have something on hand for the kids to do in case of school closures.
Make sure you have a fully stocked first aid kit and enough OTC medications
to last the family for at least a month.
Check and clean your firearms and be prepared to defend your family if
trouble comes to you
Pick up some extra ammo
Plan to keep pets indoors
Make sure you have enough of needed prescription medications to last a few
发帖数: 38600

【在 b********n 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
: 发信人: beijingren (to thine own self be true), 信区: Military
: 标 题: 美国现在已经公开讨论如何在内战中生存
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jun 30 08:52:54 2018, 美东)
: How to Survive the Civil Unrest That’s Coming to America
: https://www.theorganicprepper.com/survive-civil-unrest/
: Here’s a quick checklist:
: Check your pantry and fill any gaps in your food preps.
: Order emergency food buckets
: Get your water preps in order

发帖数: 4718
The Turner Diaries

【在 b********n 的大作中提到】

1 (共1页)
为什么我要用强大的声音反对trump"Another number to watch: 13 percent."
美国5个将民间动乱转变为全面革命的因素GOP chief: Republicans 'screwed up' after Reagan
Trump要猛砍EPA budget奥总统花钱又要破记录了。
加拿大诬陷事件就是华人作死节奏的开端 (转载)大赦了,大赦了. (转载)
作死的教会Federal education spending explodes under Obama
Iran offers to help cities devastated by Hurricane Sandy别做梦了,不要以为警察会永远保护良民 (转载)
克林顿基金94%用于人员费用,黑店美红十字9%用于人员费用看两党提出的budget plan很有意思
Trump is fighting more than ClintonRubio warns that Obama could expand deferred deportation to (转载)
话题: make话题: your话题: check话题: sure话题: up