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USANews版 - NYT认错了
第二个指控者嫌FBI不调查她提供的证人因为在白宫工作,Sarah Sanders被餐馆赶出去了
NYT叛变:65名高中女同学为Brett Kavanaugh作证,指控纯属虚构老王,我预个言trump 选 Raymond Kethledge
Mike Huckabee - America's NewsroomJudge Thomas Hardiman是第四个候选人
各位,我很想听听你们对这两个 tweet 的看法今晚大法官最后一猜,提名了 Kavanaugh
话题: kavanaugh话题: new话题: times话题: story话题: bazelon
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 61690
New York Times says it made mistake by assigning opinion writer to Kavanaugh
The New York Times said Tuesday that it should not have assigned a Times
Magazine writer who had openly criticized Brett Kavanaugh to report a news
story about the Supreme Court nominee.
Emily Bazelon, a New Haven-based staff writer for the magazine, had one of
two bylines on a Times story Monday on a bar fight that Kavanaugh was
involved in while at Yale University. According to a police report, the
Times story said, Kavanaugh helped touch off the fight by throwing ice at
another patron.
On July 9, Bazelon tweeted, “As a @YaleLawSch grad & lecturer, I strongly
disassociate myself from tonight’s praise of Brett Kavanaugh. With respect,
he’s a 5th vote for a hard-right turn on voting rights and so much more
that will harm the democratic process & prevent a more equal society.”
She added, “Those are fundamental values we try to instill in our students.
They matter more than collegiality and credentials.”
Bazelon has also expressed her opinions on Kavanaugh as a co-host on Slate’
s Political Gabfest podcast.
Quickly after the story was published Monday, conservatives on Twitter and
at outlets like The Daily Caller and Breitbart jumped to criticize Bazelon’
s involvement. Most notably, late Monday night, White House press secretary
Sarah Huckabee Sanders re-tweeted Bazelon’s tweet on Kavanaugh, commenting,
“Democrats desperately attack Judge Kavanaugh for throwing ice during
college. What motivated New York Times reporter to write this ridiculous
story? Throwing ice 33 years ago, or her opinion of Judge Kavanaugh in July?”
On Tuesday, a New York Times spokesperson said, “Emily Bazelon is a writer
for The New York Times Magazine who occasionally writes op-eds for the
opinion section. She is not a newsroom reporter. Her role in this story was
to help colleagues in the newsroom gather public documents in New Haven,
where Emily is based. In retrospect, editors should have used a newsroom
reporter for that assignment. To be clear, the story is straightforward,
fact-based and we fully stand behind it.”
Mainstream journalists on Twitter were split on the issue, with some saying
the Times made a mistake by assigning someone who’d openly expressed
opinions on a subject to work on a news story on the same topic. Others
pointed out that Bazelon’s primary task on the story was picking up a
police report — a straight-forward reporting task — arguing that all
reporters harbor opinions, and so long as Bazleon’s reporting for the story
was solid, her previous tweets are incidental.
Freelance writer Yashar Ali tweeted, “I understand why the NYT would
publish this story given some of Kavanaugh’s statements, but Emily should
have never been assigned to it or have her byline on it. Not a good look.”
Washington Post reporter Wesley Lowery replied, “Respectfully disagree here
- I don't have a prob with a NYT Mag reporter (a great one) based in New
Haven having byline on piece based primarily on a police report presumably
picked up in person in...New Haven. Unless there are ?s about the journalism
, the tweet shouldn't matter.”
发帖数: 3762


【在 b*****d 的大作中提到】
: New York Times says it made mistake by assigning opinion writer to Kavanaugh
: story
: The New York Times said Tuesday that it should not have assigned a Times
: Magazine writer who had openly criticized Brett Kavanaugh to report a news
: story about the Supreme Court nominee.
: Emily Bazelon, a New Haven-based staff writer for the magazine, had one of
: two bylines on a Times story Monday on a bar fight that Kavanaugh was
: involved in while at Yale University. According to a police report, the
: Times story said, Kavanaugh helped touch off the fight by throwing ice at
: another patron.

1 (共1页)
今晚大法官最后一猜,提名了 KavanaughNYT叛变:65名高中女同学为Brett Kavanaugh作证,指控纯属虚构
trump提名Kavanaugh,一定程度证明他的胸襟Mike Huckabee - America's Newsroom
Kavanaugh confirmation hearings将于9月4号开始各位,我很想听听你们对这两个 tweet 的看法
第二个指控者嫌FBI不调查她提供的证人因为在白宫工作,Sarah Sanders被餐馆赶出去了
话题: kavanaugh话题: new话题: times话题: story话题: bazelon