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USANews版 - 陆军找到了250亿的saving
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高科技日新月异 美军努力打造新作战模式坐等7国恐分发动袭击
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2010年美国48%新生儿依赖MedicaidModern American blacks are not true blacks.
话题: army话题: esper话题: said话题: priorities话题: after
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 61690
The Army’s top civilian on Monday said the service has found $25 billion in
its budget that it will reallocate to new priorities over the next five
Secretary Mark Esper said the savings would come from positions in equipping
, he told reporters at the Association of the U.S. Army’s annual conference
in Washington.
He said the Army earlier this year began assessing how necessary certain
programs are to meet major modernization plans.
“Priorities are priorities and hard choices must be made. I can’t tell you
how many times someone has said to me, ‘don’t eliminate that program it’
s only $10 million,’ or ‘don’t cut that office it’s only 15 people,’ ”
Esper said.
“By going after the nickels and dimes, we’ve freed up over $25 billion in
countless personnel billets that we will put back into building readiness
and modernizing the Army.”
Esper did not say exactly what would need to be cut to move $25 billion to
other pots but said details will be in the Army’s fiscal 2020 budget
proposal — to be sent to Congress in February.
The service last year announced that it planned to start up a new four-star
organization known as Army Futures Command. The command will head efforts to
help modernize the Army by 2028.
Esper said he, along with Army Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Milley, “spent 40,
50, 60 hours going through program after program after program after
activity after activity to look at each one and assess it and ask ourselves
‘is this more important than a next-generation combat vehicle? Is this more
important than a new squad automatic weapon? Is this more important than
Long-Range Precision Fires?’”
“We had to make those trade-offs and it resulted in, again, reductions and
cancellations and consolidations.”
1 (共1页)
Modern American blacks are not true blacks.light bulbs win!
[合集] Does Health Care qualify to become Public System?Obama: "We got back every dime" CBO: "You're a liar Mr. President"
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Re: 古人论禁枪 (转载)2010年美国48%新生儿依赖Medicaid
看来控枪确实是O8的top priority啊Trump大垃圾
女兵和男兵还是不能比小心 dime 这个畜牲稀饭
高科技日新月异 美军努力打造新作战模式坐等7国恐分发动袭击
话题: army话题: esper话题: said话题: priorities话题: after