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USANews版 - OPINION, Will incoming Attorney General Bill Barr crack down
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话题: children话题: sexual话题: sex话题: internet
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2449
Will incoming Attorney General Bill Barr crack down on criminals who use the
internet to sexually exploit children? There’s reason to be optimistic.
The advent of the internet broke through the protective legal barriers that
historically shielded the sex industry from grooming our children. The
failure of past administrations — with the exception of George W. Bush’s
Attorney General John Ashcroft — to prosecute federal obscenity laws has
given a free pass to the multi-billion-dollar internet pornography industry.
Under federal law, obscene pornography is illegal to produce and distribute
and is therefore is not protected by the First Amendment.
It is no surprise that the U.S. leads the world as the top producer,
distributor and exporter of obscene content worldwide which has led to a
pandemic of extreme content becoming mainstream. So-called “soft porn” has
been replaced by graphic, degrading content affecting what children view as
normal. As a result, children worldwide for the past 25 years have had
exposed to hardcore internet content depicting anal sex, group sex, violence
, barely legal teens, bestiality and incest.
The journal Violence Against Women reported physical aggression in 88.2
percent of leading pornography scenes and verbal aggression in 48.7 percent
with 94.4 percent of such aggression directed toward women. The average age
at which young people are first exposed to obscene content is 11 years old.
However, new research says children 10 years old and younger account for 22
percent of all online obscene-content consumption in the 18-years-old-and-
under category.
This unacceptable reality led former British Prime Minister David Cameron to
tackle head-on this issue he believed was “corroding childhood.” As a
result, internet and Wi-Fi providers in the United Kingdom are now default-
filtering child pornography and pornography.
Peer-reviewed research and medical science confirms internet pornography is
not only a fueling factor in the sexual exploitation of children, but also
fuels child pornography, violence against women, sexual predation and sex
trafficking. While the Department of Justice is actively prosecuting child-
pornographers, sexual predators and sex-traffickers, the United States still
ranks No. 2 in the world, next to the Netherlands, in hosting child-
pornography URLs. Clearly, there is more work to be done.
Additionally, the United States is a top consumer of both illegal child
pornography and obscene pornography. This content doesn’t satisfy the
sexual appetite of the consumers. Instead, it fuels their desire to act out
their fantasies, creating a growing demand for more children and women to be
sexually abused, prostituted and trafficked. The victims are often further
exploited by having the sex acts they are forced to perform filmed and
distributed on the internet.
Pope Francis once said, “A society can be judged by the way it treats it
children.” In our own nation, the sexual exploitation of children has never
been more urgent. As many as 21,000 underage children are part of the
national sex trade, according to a 2016 study funded by the Justice
Department. And Thorn, a nonprofit organization dedicated to ending child
sex trafficking, reports 75 percent of underage sex-trafficking victims they
surveyed say they were advertised online.
To prevent the sexual exploitation of children, the U.S. must address the
demand and supply side of this vicious cycle of abuse through the aggressive
enforcement of the federal obscenity, child porn, trafficking and sexual
predation laws. Restoring this legal barrier is exactly what candidate
Donald Trump promised to do when he signed the bipartisan Children’s
Internet Safety Presidential Pledge in 2016, which was also supported by
candidate Clinton.
The pledge includes the president’s commitment to appoint an attorney
general, who will make the vigorous prosecution of the entire rule of
federal law a top priority. With William Barr as the chief law enforcement
officer in America, the Trump administration is positioned to aggressively
drain the cyber swamp and reverse the pandemic of the sexual exploitation of
children in the digital world by safeguarding our nation’s most precious
resource: our children.
Donna Rice Hughes is president of Enough Is Enough, a national, non-partisan
organization fighting to make the internet safer for children and families.
1 (共1页)
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话题: children话题: sexual话题: sex话题: internet