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USANews版 - S1 E2: Amicable Break-Up
Donald Trump nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize.Double Helix Nobel Prize Winner Selling Nobel Prize Medal
Japan's Obama City erupts in joy over Nobel Peace Prizetrump任命了十个保守federal judges
战犯们最应该得nobel peace prize难怪MD ANDERSON开始卸磨杀驴了
obama为啥把nobel prize award奖给学校?I think Bernie Sanders won the debate
奥巴马都交了180万刀的联邦税川普2008年说希拉里会是个好总统 (转载)
Interesting!Trump 死哪儿去了???
odumba: Nobel War PrizeTrump fires campaign manager
unbelievable: Science and Medicine Nobel Prize Winners Support床铺要打击工会也不难,上全国right-to-work
话题: s1话题: trump话题: nobel话题: prize话题: so
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 634
Will there be an S1 E3 in this love-hate series? After all, Trump's been
having a high hope of getting a Nobel Peace Prize for his performance in the
pilot, so much so that the White House even asked the Japanese Prime
Minister Abe to nominate Trump before the Nobel Prize Committee! Surely he
wouldn't let a minor setback like this denies him the chance of an even
greater-than-the-presidency ego-boosting glory! So, like the Taiwanese idiom
has it: dai3-xi4-tuo-peng2. Stay tuned, folks.
1 (共1页)
trump deregulation 再受打击奥巴马都交了180万刀的联邦税
Steve Bannon threatened To QuitInteresting!
Honest Abe never liedodumba: Nobel War Prize
随便举几个例子说明H的Hypocrisyunbelievable: Science and Medicine Nobel Prize Winners Support
Donald Trump nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize.Double Helix Nobel Prize Winner Selling Nobel Prize Medal
Japan's Obama City erupts in joy over Nobel Peace Prizetrump任命了十个保守federal judges
战犯们最应该得nobel peace prize难怪MD ANDERSON开始卸磨杀驴了
obama为啥把nobel prize award奖给学校?I think Bernie Sanders won the debate
话题: s1话题: trump话题: nobel话题: prize话题: so