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USANews版 - Harris 前雇员跑到bloomberg哪儿,还回头喷。。
Lewandowski calls for Manafort resignation笑话:女儿说沙拉是她做的
加州参议员提案:政府必须给每个非法移民配律师Kamala Harris是来搞笑的吧
warren确实是战斗机排华法案仍然有效?Kavanaugh 拒绝表态
2020 Poll来了,主党上谁都稳赢床铺现在看最可能出来选总统的三个左派
话题: harris话题: campaign话题: letter话题: staff话题: poorly
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 5818
Harris aide, in resignation letter, says ‘I have never seen an organization
treat its staff so poorly’
A top aide to Kamala Harris gave a damning assessment of the California
senator’s struggling campaign in her resignation letter, declaring that she
has never seen an organization “treat its staff so poorly” and accused
the campaign of encouraging people to move across states -- only to lay them
off without notice.
“This is my third presidential campaign and I have never seen an
organization treat its staff so poorly,” Kelly Mehlenbacher, then the state
operations director for Harris’ campaign, said in the letter obtained by
The New York Times. “While I still believe that Senator Harris is the
strongest candidate to win in the General Election in 2020, I no longer have
confidence in our campaign or its leadership.”
She went on to criticize the campaign in blistering terms for pushing
staffers to move to Baltimore, only to let them go without notice.
“It is not acceptable to me that we encouraged people to move from
Washington, DC to Baltimore only to lay them off with no notice, with no
plan for the campaign, and without thoughtful consideration of the personal
consequences to them or the consequences that their absence would have on
the remaining staff,” the letter says.
Mehlenbacher has since joined former New York City Michael Bloomberg's
campaign, joining as deputy chief operating officer. She had previously
worked on Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign.
The letter forms part of an in-depth report, featuring interviews with
dozens of current and former aides, by the Times. The article marks how
Harris, once surging at the top of the polls, has since plummeted amid a
reportedly dysfunctional and often headless campaign.
发帖数: 1957
发帖数: 5818
Harris aide, in resignation letter, says ‘I have never seen an organization
treat its staff so poorly’
A top aide to Kamala Harris gave a damning assessment of the California
senator’s struggling campaign in her resignation letter, declaring that she
has never seen an organization “treat its staff so poorly” and accused
the campaign of encouraging people to move across states -- only to lay them
off without notice.
“This is my third presidential campaign and I have never seen an
organization treat its staff so poorly,” Kelly Mehlenbacher, then the state
operations director for Harris’ campaign, said in the letter obtained by
The New York Times. “While I still believe that Senator Harris is the
strongest candidate to win in the General Election in 2020, I no longer have
confidence in our campaign or its leadership.”
She went on to criticize the campaign in blistering terms for pushing
staffers to move to Baltimore, only to let them go without notice.
“It is not acceptable to me that we encouraged people to move from
Washington, DC to Baltimore only to lay them off with no notice, with no
plan for the campaign, and without thoughtful consideration of the personal
consequences to them or the consequences that their absence would have on
the remaining staff,” the letter says.
Mehlenbacher has since joined former New York City Michael Bloomberg's
campaign, joining as deputy chief operating officer. She had previously
worked on Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign.
The letter forms part of an in-depth report, featuring interviews with
dozens of current and former aides, by the Times. The article marks how
Harris, once surging at the top of the polls, has since plummeted amid a
reportedly dysfunctional and often headless campaign.
发帖数: 1957
1 (共1页)
Kamala Harris的情夫公开承认了加州的这个战斗机,又在听证会上胡闹了
Kamala Harris吸大麻吸傻了2020 Poll来了,主党上谁都稳赢床铺
Lewandowski calls for Manafort resignation笑话:女儿说沙拉是她做的
加州参议员提案:政府必须给每个非法移民配律师Kamala Harris是来搞笑的吧
话题: harris话题: campaign话题: letter话题: staff话题: poorly