NY州 (日期: 03/25/2020):"No resident shall be denied re-admission or
admission to the NH solely based on a confirmed or suspected diagnosis of
PA州 (日期:03/18/2020):"Nursing care facilities must continue to accept
new admissions and receive readmissions for current residents who have been
discharged from the hospital who are stable to alleviate the increasing
burden in the acute settings. This may include stable patients who have had
the COVID-19 virus."
MI州: "If a COVID-19 test was not warranted based on CDC or MDHHS guidance,
then a patient does not need to be tested prior to discharge from a facility
. Residents with COVID-19 that require hospitalization can and should be
discharged back to the facility of residence once they are clinically stable
regardless of whether COVID-19 testing is still positive or not."