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USANews版 - 德州的开放令也许和最近的暴涨有关
The healthcare mandate - hyprocrits exposed如果医保法案通过,idaho要告联邦政府
No, Left-Wingers, the ‘Founders’ Did NOT Approve of Mandates or Obamacare38 States Consider Suing Federal Government Over Healthcare
Immigration reform is dead and Obamacare implementation killed it弗罗里达的法庭判决再次说明
now i'm a bit conflicted about mitt romney华盛顿邮报调查发现,52%美国人反对奥巴马医疗法案
Obama united health care: Reserves To Drop Below Mandated LevelRIGHT MUST FIGHT ROUND 2
Winners and Losers of the Minimum Wage HikeAppeals court says key parts of health-care reform unconstitutional
佩洛西: 要么购买一万五千美元保费的医疗保险,要么被关进大牢!How the Free Market Can Cure Health Care
话题: mandate话题: seat话题: mandated话题: belt话题: mask
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 5818
是医院的压力没有显著增加,住院人数其实是 持续下降,
里呆,孩子网课,你就继续;学区的信是,covid 政策暂时不变,要咨询local 卫生部
至于企业,公司,等等,应该可以自定规矩,取消 “强制口罩“,你自己愿意带,也
发帖数: 1352
health worker要小心啊
发帖数: 878
That applies more to seat belts, since they pretty much do not affect other
people. But wearing mask or not, you are not the only one affected. Think
about it, seat belt is mandated, and mask is not.

【在 c*******e 的大作中提到】
: 寒流过后的一周,或是数据滞后,或是社交距离被忽视,德州感染数据暴涨了近一周,
: 同时其它州大多数普遍下降的,但是,这样的暴涨,和加州的年初的情况不太一样,就
: 是医院的压力没有显著增加,住院人数其实是 持续下降,
: 原因或疫苗,或感染的年龄,或其它,但现象是重症率在下降;
: 全面开放和取消“强制口罩”,大家自由决定,你想去吃喝玩乐,你就去,你想继续家
: 里呆,孩子网课,你就继续;学区的信是,covid 政策暂时不变,要咨询local 卫生部
: 门后再说;
: 至于企业,公司,等等,应该可以自定规矩,取消 “强制口罩“,你自己愿意带,也
: 没人管。。

发帖数: 1445
Seat belt should not be mandated either.


【在 F********r 的大作中提到】
: That applies more to seat belts, since they pretty much do not affect other
: people. But wearing mask or not, you are not the only one affected. Think
: about it, seat belt is mandated, and mask is not.

发帖数: 878
You are the first one to have the guts to say that, thought just behind the

【在 r******i 的大作中提到】
: Seat belt should not be mandated either.
: other
: Think

发帖数: 1445
I have been saying seat belt shouldn't be mandated since last year. I am
nobody, so it doesn't matter if I'm behind the screen or not.
If you believe seat belt should be mandated, you must agree to mandate
people to eat healthy food as well. Maybe we should ask people to also do
exercise? What a good idea!
Maybe this is your ideal world?


【在 F********r 的大作中提到】
: You are the first one to have the guts to say that, thought just behind the
: screen.

发帖数: 878
>>>If you believe seat belt should be mandated, you must agree to mandate
people to eat healthy food as well.
What logic is that? Quite entertaining.
Then what is your ideal world? Complete Freedom without government? Anyone
can do anything s/he wants? Including killing others or putting them in
harm's way? Why look at the extreme?

【在 r******i 的大作中提到】
: I have been saying seat belt shouldn't be mandated since last year. I am
: nobody, so it doesn't matter if I'm behind the screen or not.
: If you believe seat belt should be mandated, you must agree to mandate
: people to eat healthy food as well. Maybe we should ask people to also do
: exercise? What a good idea!
: Maybe this is your ideal world?
: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCfW6HFP5cI
: the

发帖数: 1445
The same logic that you connected mandating seat belt and masks.

【在 F********r 的大作中提到】
: >>>If you believe seat belt should be mandated, you must agree to mandate
: people to eat healthy food as well.
: What logic is that? Quite entertaining.
: Then what is your ideal world? Complete Freedom without government? Anyone
: can do anything s/he wants? Including killing others or putting them in
: harm's way? Why look at the extreme?

发帖数: 878
If one should be mandated, which one do you believe, seat belt and mask? My
opinion is mask since it affects more people. And since seat belt is
already mandated, mask should be mandated during this pandemic time. What
is your opinion?

【在 r******i 的大作中提到】
: The same logic that you connected mandating seat belt and masks.
发帖数: 1445
Seat belt mandate is existing, doesn't mean it's right. I oppose both seat
belt mandate and mask mandate.
And, if one would mandate mask for a long time (like a year?), it should be
going through the legislature.


【在 F********r 的大作中提到】
: If one should be mandated, which one do you believe, seat belt and mask? My
: opinion is mask since it affects more people. And since seat belt is
: already mandated, mask should be mandated during this pandemic time. What
: is your opinion?

Winners and Losers of the Minimum Wage Hike如果医保法案通过,idaho要告联邦政府
佩洛西: 要么购买一万五千美元保费的医疗保险,要么被关进大牢!38 States Consider Suing Federal Government Over Healthcare
发帖数: 878
Nobody knows how long we need it.
You even oppose seat belt mandate, I got nothing to say.


【在 r******i 的大作中提到】
: Seat belt mandate is existing, doesn't mean it's right. I oppose both seat
: belt mandate and mask mandate.
: And, if one would mandate mask for a long time (like a year?), it should be
: going through the legislature.
: My

发帖数: 1445
People should be responsible for themselves rather than asking for a mandate
. That's why seat belts/healthy foods/doing exercise everyday shouldn't be
All government mandate should be legalized by the legislature. Mandate that
doesn't pass legislature is tyranny.

【在 F********r 的大作中提到】
: Nobody knows how long we need it.
: You even oppose seat belt mandate, I got nothing to say.
: be

发帖数: 1


【在 r******i 的大作中提到】
: People should be responsible for themselves rather than asking for a mandate
: . That's why seat belts/healthy foods/doing exercise everyday shouldn't be
: mandated.
: All government mandate should be legalized by the legislature. Mandate that
: doesn't pass legislature is tyranny.

发帖数: 878
How about I modify your statement a little bit, do you agree 可以强制 seat
belt 就可以强制切jb? The fact is, seat belts have been mandated for tens of
years, but there is no 强制切jb so far.

【在 d*********1 的大作中提到】
: 可以强制口罩就可以强制切jb,本质都是一样得。
: mandate
: that

发帖数: 878
The fact is, seat belts have been mandated in developed countries for
decades, and it is now also mandated in China. I believe now maybe only a
few real "fourth world" countries still do not have this mandate. Do you
think you are right and the rest of the world is wrong?
Legislation takes too long, that is why the LAW allows EO to handle time-
sensitive situations like this. The laws legalize these EOs. Obviously the
Laws don't say these mandates are tyranny; otherwise they won't allow them.


【在 r******i 的大作中提到】
: People should be responsible for themselves rather than asking for a mandate
: . That's why seat belts/healthy foods/doing exercise everyday shouldn't be
: mandated.
: All government mandate should be legalized by the legislature. Mandate that
: doesn't pass legislature is tyranny.

发帖数: 1445
Yes. I'm right and everyone who think seat belt should be mandated are WRONG!
If you want to force a wrong mandate, at least get majority of the people to
agree, such as passing the legislature.
Emergency power can be granted, and has been used. But "Emergency" should
not last ONE YEAR! After two or three months, when the legislature has met a
couple of times, they should pass a law if it's necessary. OR, if nothing
is passed, it's deemed to be unpopular and shouldn't be enforced.


【在 F********r 的大作中提到】
: The fact is, seat belts have been mandated in developed countries for
: decades, and it is now also mandated in China. I believe now maybe only a
: few real "fourth world" countries still do not have this mandate. Do you
: think you are right and the rest of the world is wrong?
: Legislation takes too long, that is why the LAW allows EO to handle time-
: sensitive situations like this. The laws legalize these EOs. Obviously the
: Laws don't say these mandates are tyranny; otherwise they won't allow them.
: mandate
: that

发帖数: 878
When one thinks he is right and everyone else is wrong, s/he is either a
genius or a maniac. DOn't know for sure in your case, but tend to believe
it is the latter.


【在 r******i 的大作中提到】
: Yes. I'm right and everyone who think seat belt should be mandated are WRONG!
: If you want to force a wrong mandate, at least get majority of the people to
: agree, such as passing the legislature.
: Emergency power can be granted, and has been used. But "Emergency" should
: not last ONE YEAR! After two or three months, when the legislature has met a
: couple of times, they should pass a law if it's necessary. OR, if nothing
: is passed, it's deemed to be unpopular and shouldn't be enforced.
: the
: them.

发帖数: 1445
I don't think everyone else is wrong. I just think the people who believes
in lockdown/mandating masks or seat belts are wrong.
There are many people that agrees that there shouldn't be lockdown and
mandates and they are smarter than me.
Lord Sumption, former UK supreme court judge, for example.

【在 F********r 的大作中提到】
: When one thinks he is right and everyone else is wrong, s/he is either a
: genius or a maniac. DOn't know for sure in your case, but tend to believe
: it is the latter.
: to
: a

发帖数: 878
>>>supreme court judge
That's appeal to authority, a form of fallacy.

【在 r******i 的大作中提到】
: I don't think everyone else is wrong. I just think the people who believes
: in lockdown/mandating masks or seat belts are wrong.
: There are many people that agrees that there shouldn't be lockdown and
: mandates and they are smarter than me.
: Lord Sumption, former UK supreme court judge, for example.
: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lXAA7ZOROc

发帖数: 1445
Former. He is already retired. He is speaking on his own.
Check out what Monica Gandhi said about how to message/persuade people to
wear mask:
“We messaged that mask wearing will protect other people, and that did not
seem to convince our country as much as we would have hoped,” said Gandhi.
That’s not surprising given human nature, she said. “If you think
something’s going to help you or your family, you are going to do it more
than if you think you’re helping others.”

【在 F********r 的大作中提到】
: >>>supreme court judge
: That's appeal to authority, a form of fallacy.

华盛顿邮报调查发现,52%美国人反对奥巴马医疗法案How the Free Market Can Cure Health Care
RIGHT MUST FIGHT ROUND 2The Political Reality Behind the HHS Mandate
Appeals court says key parts of health-care reform unconstitutionalPonzi's Revenge
发帖数: 878
Appeal to authority fallacy means placing wrong credential on someone. He
is an expert on law, but for covid, he probably does not know more than you
or me. Of course, if his position requires a team of experts behind him,
that is different.


【在 r******i 的大作中提到】
: Former. He is already retired. He is speaking on his own.
: Check out what Monica Gandhi said about how to message/persuade people to
: wear mask:
: “We messaged that mask wearing will protect other people, and that did not
: seem to convince our country as much as we would have hoped,” said Gandhi.
: That’s not surprising given human nature, she said. “If you think
: something’s going to help you or your family, you are going to do it more
: than if you think you’re helping others.”

发帖数: 1445
He knows covid is a transmissible disease of 1% fatality. That's enough.
What he argue is that, you will lose more core value of Britain by
government mandates - which is a higher cost than 1% of lives.
It's not a scientific issue. It's a value issue.


【在 F********r 的大作中提到】
: Appeal to authority fallacy means placing wrong credential on someone. He
: is an expert on law, but for covid, he probably does not know more than you
: or me. Of course, if his position requires a team of experts behind him,
: that is different.
: not
: .

发帖数: 878
Value issue. Seems there need to be a special vote to let people decide, in
this special pandemic time, if we want to sacrifice 600k+ American lives to
keep our freedom the way it was or the other way around. Those of us who
eventually make it out of course can enjoy this freedom. Unfortunately
those who do not make it might not want to be sacrificed.

【在 r******i 的大作中提到】
: He knows covid is a transmissible disease of 1% fatality. That's enough.
: What he argue is that, you will lose more core value of Britain by
: government mandates - which is a higher cost than 1% of lives.
: It's not a scientific issue. It's a value issue.
: you

发帖数: 1445
I'm in favor of a special referendum, though it's hard to do in the pandemic.
That's why I say any mandate should pass the legislature, since they should
represent people's will. However, I haven't heard a single bill that address
the mandate of masks/lockdowns/disease control. Either they are not doing
their job, or their position reflected the opinion of the public - they don'
t want mandates.


【在 F********r 的大作中提到】
: Value issue. Seems there need to be a special vote to let people decide, in
: this special pandemic time, if we want to sacrifice 600k+ American lives to
: keep our freedom the way it was or the other way around. Those of us who
: eventually make it out of course can enjoy this freedom. Unfortunately
: those who do not make it might not want to be sacrificed.

发帖数: 878
Certainly nobody likes mandate. But do you think the majority public don't
want mask? Not having a special referendum is not one specific party's
fault, they both are at fault.


【在 r******i 的大作中提到】
: I'm in favor of a special referendum, though it's hard to do in the pandemic.
: That's why I say any mandate should pass the legislature, since they should
: represent people's will. However, I haven't heard a single bill that address
: the mandate of masks/lockdowns/disease control. Either they are not doing
: their job, or their position reflected the opinion of the public - they don'
: t want mandates.
: in
: to

发帖数: 1445
Do I think the majority public don't want mask? Yes, I think so. We Asian
Americans who believe masks are useful are the minority.


【在 F********r 的大作中提到】
: Certainly nobody likes mandate. But do you think the majority public don't
: want mask? Not having a special referendum is not one specific party's
: fault, they both are at fault.
: pandemic.
: should
: address
: don'

1 (共1页)
The Political Reality Behind the HHS Mandatenow i'm a bit conflicted about mitt romney
Ponzi's RevengeObama united health care: Reserves To Drop Below Mandated Level
I don't get why the majority of american oppose the health care mandateWinners and Losers of the Minimum Wage Hike
Supreme irony?佩洛西: 要么购买一万五千美元保费的医疗保险,要么被关进大牢!
The healthcare mandate - hyprocrits exposed如果医保法案通过,idaho要告联邦政府
No, Left-Wingers, the ‘Founders’ Did NOT Approve of Mandates or Obamacare38 States Consider Suing Federal Government Over Healthcare
Immigration reform is dead and Obamacare implementation killed it弗罗里达的法庭判决再次说明
话题: mandate话题: seat话题: mandated话题: belt话题: mask