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USTC版 - let's help Wu Hao (898)
be nice - Re: 关于科大官方站点的一个建议Donation for Dr. Cheng Jingyi
USTC Tea Time - with a filmmaker from USTCKeda's future (fwd)
FWD: Do good anyway; Succeed anyway; Give best anyway.Subject: Networking is the key -- my 2 cents (fwd)
Large donation from ShenzhenExcellence is USTC, Do You Agree?
USTCAA-Greater New York Spring Festival Gathering科大杰出校友(转贴自新月文摘)
Any USTC Alumni working/studying in U. of Iowa?Re: 偶还是很喜欢科大的说.
在捐款之余,还有什么反思?High School Scholarship for USTC
话题: hao话题: his话题: wu话题: your话题: him
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3
He made the film "Beijing or Bust) and was regarded as one of outstanding
If you think you do not have enough physical power to help him, at least pray
for him in your heart please (no, I am not a religous person). I image many
of us should be able to send a comfort letter to his sister.
发帖数: 236


【在 w****g 的大作中提到】
: He made the film "Beijing or Bust) and was regarded as one of outstanding
: USTCers.
: If you think you do not have enough physical power to help him, at least pray
: for him in your heart please (no, I am not a religous person). I image many
: of us should be able to send a comfort letter to his sister.
: http://www.ethanzuckerman.com/haowu/

发帖数: 1011
"The reason for Hao’s detention is unknown. One of the possibilities is that
the authorities who detained Hao want to use him and his video footage to p
rosecute members of China’s underground Churches. Hao is an extremely princ
ipled individual, who his friends and family believe will resist such a plan
. Therefore, we are very concerned about his mental and physical well-being."


【在 t****l 的大作中提到】
: 因为什么被抓?
: pray

发帖数: 3

Please re-read my post and, if you do want to have a good discussion, please
read some of the background info provided by the linkage attached in my 1st
email. After that, you may realize that my point was he was detained for very
long, and only after his family's continuous request, the authority admitted
that they got him. Where did I say nobody NEVER EVER notified, as you implied
in your post?
I look forward to your constructive sugestions/helps.
Heihei, Master Li is stupid and a laugh sto
发帖数: 2887
so how did you know he was detained by the authority, instead of, say,
being kidnapped or murdered, if nobody was notified?
Also, those emotional words don't really help,
especially when you had FLG involved.

Your name is the answer. Sigh.
His sister's blog has lots of details. Hao's blog is still there, with his
last post in Feb.
It is outragous for holding a person so long without noticing the family, not
giving a reason, and denying the right for a lawyer! I mean, our motherland
does not

【在 w****g 的大作中提到】
: Please re-read my post and, if you do want to have a good discussion, please
: read some of the background info provided by the linkage attached in my 1st
: email. After that, you may realize that my point was he was detained for very
: long, and only after his family's continuous request, the authority admitted
: that they got him. Where did I say nobody NEVER EVER notified, as you implied
: in your post?
: I look forward to your constructive sugestions/helps.
: Heihei, Master Li is stupid and a laugh sto

发帖数: 3
Your name is the answer. Sigh.
His sister's blog has lots of details. Hao's blog is still there, with his
last post in Feb.
It is outragous for holding a person so long without noticing the family, not
giving a reason, and denying the right for a lawyer! I mean, our motherland
does not even have confidence after 6 years into the 21th century to give a
non-violant person as Wu Hao some due justice??!!! And the silence, the
terrible silence among chinese communities ...
This is my first time t
发帖数: 2887
didn't mean to trigger a fight. ok?

I didn't imply anything. I just asked a question I, maybe also sb else, had.
I wouldn't say you implied sth in your OP rather than an unclear explanation.
You fight, you should be ready for the consequences.
I do respect his courage, but there's almost nothing I can really
"constructively" do. Sorry about that.
Give us the evidence please. Don't give us jokes like SuJiaTun.
I wouldn't trust anything told by constan

【在 w****g 的大作中提到】
: Your name is the answer. Sigh.
: His sister's blog has lots of details. Hao's blog is still there, with his
: last post in Feb.
: It is outragous for holding a person so long without noticing the family, not
: giving a reason, and denying the right for a lawyer! I mean, our motherland
: does not even have confidence after 6 years into the 21th century to give a
: non-violant person as Wu Hao some due justice??!!! And the silence, the
: terrible silence among chinese communities ...
: This is my first time t

发帖数: 343
Bless him and his family


【在 w****g 的大作中提到】
: He made the film "Beijing or Bust) and was regarded as one of outstanding
: USTCers.
: If you think you do not have enough physical power to help him, at least pray
: for him in your heart please (no, I am not a religous person). I image many
: of us should be able to send a comfort letter to his sister.
: http://www.ethanzuckerman.com/haowu/

发帖数: 211
了他的处女作——记录片《Beijing or Bust》。
《Beijing or Bust》是一部低成本记录片,片长约一小时。影片通过访谈描绘了
六位 ABC(出生在美国的华人)在北京的生活历程。六人中包括有唐朝乐队创始人郭怡广
(Kaiser),也有影视红星李亚鹏的前女友、摄像师 Mimi、电影人Ada、电脑公司员工
发帖数: 241
ft 有背景细节嘛?
blog 里写啥了
1 (共1页)
High School Scholarship for USTC写在科大50周年
关于招生之己见USTCAA-Greater New York Spring Festival Gathering
USTCers in Cambridge,UKAny USTC Alumni working/studying in U. of Iowa?
USTC Alumni Yahoogroups Around the World在捐款之余,还有什么反思?
be nice - Re: 关于科大官方站点的一个建议Donation for Dr. Cheng Jingyi
USTC Tea Time - with a filmmaker from USTCKeda's future (fwd)
FWD: Do good anyway; Succeed anyway; Give best anyway.Subject: Networking is the key -- my 2 cents (fwd)
Large donation from ShenzhenExcellence is USTC, Do You Agree?
话题: hao话题: his话题: wu话题: your话题: him