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Unix版 - Socker Release.
a difficult question一个vi的问题。
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how to copy image in UNIX?[转载] socket 急救
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[转载] Any command line programa socket question
How to print a pdf file in Solaris client?请教高手:如何检查Socket的另一端已经被异常终
话题: release话题: socker话题: socket话题: without话题: program
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 84
I use java to write a program to use socket.
Once I CTL-C/break the program without release it.
Next time I cann't start the socket properly, seems my
unix system remember this.
Is there anyway I can refresh/release the socket,
without reboot the machine?
Thanks a lot!
发帖数: 4193
No you can't. Wait for a few minutes, or change a port.

【在 w*********n 的大作中提到】
: I use java to write a program to use socket.
: Once I CTL-C/break the program without release it.
: Next time I cann't start the socket properly, seems my
: unix system remember this.
: Is there anyway I can refresh/release the socket,
: without reboot the machine?
: Thanks a lot!

1 (共1页)
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a difficult question一个vi的问题。
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a question, thank you!Help: convert // to /* */ in C code?
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话题: release话题: socker话题: socket话题: without话题: program