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Unix版 - RTSP proxy Server, Help!!!
[转载] Unix下有下载rtsp这类流媒体的工具么?谁能给个unix下socks5 proxy的包
any command line mms/rtsp file downloader in Unix[转载] HELP!!! Questions on subnet IP config
关于proxymulticaste programming help
Proxy 设置求助请教大牛:问个网络问题 (转载)
Re: [转载] firewall后面的机器可不可以访问firewall外面的x资源请教ATT ADSL猫哪的问题
Re: 怎么把Apache设置成proxy serve?900万美国人还在使用拨号上网
proxy telnet to internetiPhone 4 不同wifi的电池问题
proxy telnet again急问linksys WRT54G的router 如何用在AT&T的adsl上
话题: rtsp话题: proxy话题: server话题: tried话题: my
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 35
I am looking for good RTSP (real time stream protocol) proxy for linux, for my
realplayer go
through the firewall.
i have tried realserver's proxy. it works, but the speed is too slow(~40kbps).
i am wondering if it is
because of my license(trial).
i also tried the rtsp proxy from apple.com
crashed all the time whenever i connect to it. :( (segment fault,core dumped)
any other choices?
发帖数: 2
I use FreeBSD and now we are using ADSL with pppoe.
The FreeBSD's pppoe dialer app: ppp support ppoe.
The best thing is using ppp+netgraph to NAT.
When using this, almost all protocol supported and
very efficient, in my office , listen icq redio(ra stream) , no lag,
also simple to config: fill in gateway will be all done.

【在 w**x 的大作中提到】
: I am looking for good RTSP (real time stream protocol) proxy for linux, for my
: realplayer go
: through the firewall.
: i have tried realserver's proxy. it works, but the speed is too slow(~40kbps).
: i am wondering if it is
: because of my license(trial).
: i also tried the rtsp proxy from apple.com
: crashed all the time whenever i connect to it. :( (segment fault,core dumped)
: any other choices?

1 (共1页)
急问linksys WRT54G的router 如何用在AT&T的adsl上Re: [转载] firewall后面的机器可不可以访问firewall外面的x资源
请问那款Router可以用ADSLRe: 怎么把Apache设置成proxy serve?
ADSL不定时掉线是啥问题呢?proxy telnet to internet
带回国的电脑上网问题 (转载)proxy telnet again
[转载] Unix下有下载rtsp这类流媒体的工具么?谁能给个unix下socks5 proxy的包
any command line mms/rtsp file downloader in Unix[转载] HELP!!! Questions on subnet IP config
关于proxymulticaste programming help
Proxy 设置求助请教大牛:问个网络问题 (转载)
话题: rtsp话题: proxy话题: server话题: tried话题: my