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Unix版 - [转载] Questions about thread.
Help needed, about pthread...multithread question
TCP throughput: What does it mean?who can tell me how many threads solaris server s
How to get network throughput in Solaris Machine?Re: [转载] 什么是LWP呢?Re: 如何在Linux/Unix下获取微秒级的进程时间?
A question about thread of unix[转载] how to debug multi-threaded program?
[转载] shared library一问Have anyone installed FreeBSD on your PC
Does Linux support thread?再介绍一篇文章 (转载)
[转载] ALERM CLOCKHelp: wrong operation; mv---->rm.
C++ new/delete not thread safe?[转载] Operating System
话题: questions话题: thread话题: why话题: about话题: cannot
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 13
【 以下文字转载自 Linux 讨论区 】
【 原文由 cike 所发表 】
1. What is thread?
2. Why it is needed?
Modern Operating Systems, page 508. The author cites an file server example, saying that the higher throughput and better performance cannot be achieved by creating two independent processes. But, I cannot see any reason why it's impossible.
1 (共1页)
[转载] Operating System[转载] shared library一问
[转载] Linux successfully operating on Xbox!Does Linux support thread?
一个vi的问题。[转载] ALERM CLOCK
shell script for column operationC++ new/delete not thread safe?
Help needed, about pthread...multithread question
TCP throughput: What does it mean?who can tell me how many threads solaris server s
How to get network throughput in Solaris Machine?Re: [转载] 什么是LWP呢?Re: 如何在Linux/Unix下获取微秒级的进程时间?
A question about thread of unix[转载] how to debug multi-threaded program?
话题: questions话题: thread话题: why话题: about话题: cannot