

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
Unix版 - 请教How to get rid of the bg job id redirection?
unix下编译fortran 的错误太多,看不到怎么办?a question about "nohup"
how to redirect error output under unixwhat's wrong with this ftp batch file?
how to redirect the outputps怎么在windows下一张纸打印多页?
how to see the output to stderr?question about vi
有人知道吗?Re: 怎样知道程序运行时间?time 什么来着?Question about I/O redirection.
Help, What happen to Audio output when using Exceed[转载] LAN 问题请教
Re: redirect in fork() then exec()How to redirect error messages to a file?
A question about awkHow to monitor peak memory usage?
话题: bg话题: job话题: rid话题: script
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 36
I have some background jobs in a script, and need to redirect
the possible outputs of the script to a file. Generally the bg
job id like "[4] 5560" are also redirected to my file, How can
I avoid this? Can I let tcsh not to issue such a bg job id?
发帖数: 166
yourbgjob >& /dev/null

【在 i**********r 的大作中提到】
: I have some background jobs in a script, and need to redirect
: the possible outputs of the script to a file. Generally the bg
: job id like "[4] 5560" are also redirected to my file, How can
: I avoid this? Can I let tcsh not to issue such a bg job id?
: thanks,

1 (共1页)
How to monitor peak memory usage?有人知道吗?Re: 怎样知道程序运行时间?time 什么来着?
[转载] HELP!!! Questions on subnet IP configHelp, What happen to Audio output when using Exceed
I/O redirectRe: redirect in fork() then exec()
sgi怪事A question about awk
unix下编译fortran 的错误太多,看不到怎么办?a question about "nohup"
how to redirect error output under unixwhat's wrong with this ftp batch file?
how to redirect the outputps怎么在windows下一张纸打印多页?
how to see the output to stderr?question about vi
话题: bg话题: job话题: rid话题: script