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Unix版 - Re: just get a sparc 2, qing qiao: who know how to load os
can SPARC Station 5 or 20 recognize IBM DMVS COMP IEC-950 LVD 9G scsi harddisk?Solaris FAQ
what's the relation bt UNIX and SUN workstation?Sun Ultra 10
how to set up printer???SOS! Sun Ultra 10 question
请问Intel平台的Solaris比Linux/BSD的优势在哪里?How to view chinese font in Solaris/intel?
[转载] 请教Sun Ultra 1 上的外置SCSI硬盘请诊断:
Re: [转载] How to install Solaris 7 Over NT?Re: CXterm Configure prob on SUN sparc 5
UNIX vs LINUX? why?我想down套solaris8,有谁可以帮我的么??
有哪位大吓知道CXTERM下的中文文本编辑软件,请告知,不胜感激!why my shell program doesn't continue
话题: scsi话题: sparc话题: qiao话题: qing话题: os
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 182
You can also boot from a floppy and install from there.
NetBSD is a good choice, linux is also an option. Slowris
is way slow. OpenBSD focus more on security. Not sure
about SCO.
SCSI in SS2 is the slower SCSI standard. It is generic
发帖数: 182

AFAIK, yes.
Sparc is slower than ultra.
You may try www.sunsunsun.net
We have piles of SS2s. I may find a nic by chance. You may
want to check your local university dump station behind
their CS department, too. :)
1 (共1页)
why my shell program doesn't continue[转载] 请教Sun Ultra 1 上的外置SCSI硬盘
FreeBSD下,是否支持ultra SCSI 160Re: [转载] How to install Solaris 7 Over NT?
Question about Cxterm: how to add fonts when using X terminal?UNIX vs LINUX? why?
How can I input Chinese under Solaris/intel?有哪位大吓知道CXTERM下的中文文本编辑软件,请告知,不胜感激!
can SPARC Station 5 or 20 recognize IBM DMVS COMP IEC-950 LVD 9G scsi harddisk?Solaris FAQ
what's the relation bt UNIX and SUN workstation?Sun Ultra 10
how to set up printer???SOS! Sun Ultra 10 question
请问Intel平台的Solaris比Linux/BSD的优势在哪里?How to view chinese font in Solaris/intel?
话题: scsi话题: sparc话题: qiao话题: qing话题: os