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Unix版 - Re: help me! Re: how to configure networking after installation
help me! Re: how to configure networking after installationNetwork question in Solaris 8
How to add network card under solaris?how to config my networks.
help: solaris interface configurationRe: [转载] 请问:Stevens 的Unix Network Programming网上又下载的吗?
how to configure networking after installationwin98下如何使用local network上的打印机?
help me again! Re: how to configure networking after installationAbout networking printer
about DNSSoloaris8 + Intel networking怎么加载驱动程序
send_mailabout network setting in Unix..
re-configure network and change hostnamehelp on: Solaris 8 network configuration
话题: networking话题: etc话题: configure话题: me
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 165
For solaris, you only need 3 files to setup networking:
1. Put your IP in /etc/hostname.elxl0
2. setup /etc/hosts

3. Put your default router in /etc/defaultrouter.
4. (optional) Check /etc/netmasks for sanity.
Reboot the machine you should be networked.
Then to setup DNS:
1. /etc/resolv.conf
domain yourdomain.com
2. Configure /etc/nsswitch.conf
ipconfig -a should give your info of your networking. The
card you are using seems like an 3com 9xx PCI car
发帖数: 4193

No, it's /etc/hostname.interfacename. Such as /etc/hostname.hme0.
And if you have a hostname, put in

【在 m****m 的大作中提到】
: For solaris, you only need 3 files to setup networking:
: 1. Put your IP in /etc/hostname.elxl0
: 2. setup /etc/hosts
: 3. Put your default router in /etc/defaultrouter.
: 4. (optional) Check /etc/netmasks for sanity.
: Reboot the machine you should be networked.
: Then to setup DNS:
: 1. /etc/resolv.conf
: domain yourdomain.com

发帖数: 40
thanks two big brother
another question: how to get ethnet card address. what
command can let me get it?

【在 m*****e 的大作中提到】
: No, it's /etc/hostname.interfacename. Such as /etc/hostname.hme0.
: And if you have a hostname, put in
: /etc/nodename

发帖数: 4193
arp hostname
if no entry, ping that host first. should always work for localhost.

【在 x**g 的大作中提到】
: thanks two big brother
: another question: how to get ethnet card address. what
: command can let me get it?

发帖数: 40
you mean "arp host" or "ping host"
when i ping localhost, it just said localhost is alive.
seems that it is not working.

【在 m*****e 的大作中提到】
: arp hostname
: if no entry, ping that host first. should always work for localhost.

发帖数: 4193
arp will check the arp table. ping just guarantees the host's ether addr
is in the table (unless it's dead).
and you have to specify the actual hostname, not "localhost".

【在 x**g 的大作中提到】
: you mean "arp host" or "ping host"
: when i ping localhost, it just said localhost is alive.
: seems that it is not working.

发帖数: 40
but the problem is that i cannot connect to the network.
that is the problme.
can you tell me what is arp. and the other question is still
that: how to get the ethnet address. that is important to
me. my boss needs that. i am crazy on the networking. it is
really difficult to set up the UNIX
thanks again

【在 m*****e 的大作中提到】
: arp will check the arp table. ping just guarantees the host's ether addr
: is in the table (unless it's dead).
: and you have to specify the actual hostname, not "localhost".

发帖数: 4193
OK, tell you a very simple method:
reboot the machine, and read the console. Ethernet address is printed
out in the first three lines (before memory is checked).
Or you may try running 'dmesg' and grep sth like 'ether' or 'MAC'.
If there is a simpler way, let me know.

【在 x**g 的大作中提到】
: but the problem is that i cannot connect to the network.
: that is the problme.
: can you tell me what is arp. and the other question is still
: that: how to get the ethnet address. that is important to
: me. my boss needs that. i am crazy on the networking. it is
: really difficult to set up the UNIX
: thanks again

发帖数: 40
thanks very much, Melonm and Microbe. now i am successfully
installed and networking configuration. thanks again.

【在 m*****e 的大作中提到】
: OK, tell you a very simple method:
: reboot the machine, and read the console. Ethernet address is printed
: out in the first three lines (before memory is checked).
: Or you may try running 'dmesg' and grep sth like 'ether' or 'MAC'.
: If there is a simpler way, let me know.

1 (共1页)
help on: Solaris 8 network configurationhelp me again! Re: how to configure networking after installation
这几个网络模拟软件哪个比较好啊?about DNS
Any good network topic for my project?send_mail
how to check queue in a network printer?re-configure network and change hostname
help me! Re: how to configure networking after installationNetwork question in Solaris 8
How to add network card under solaris?how to config my networks.
help: solaris interface configurationRe: [转载] 请问:Stevens 的Unix Network Programming网上又下载的吗?
how to configure networking after installationwin98下如何使用local network上的打印机?
话题: networking话题: etc话题: configure话题: me