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Unix版 - console on a serial port
About the serial port--SOS!SOS!how to install printer in Solaris 2.5?
Re: [转载] firewall后面的机器可不可以访问firewall外面的x资源help! cannot bind to socket!
HELP! about running cxtermIs it possible to bind several sockets to 1 port?
what wrong with remote x? expert come inhow to find which daemon is using port 80?
[转载] how to see which port in use?有没有什么工具可以显示哪个process占用了哪些port?
a difficult question求教!请教client & server program. 感激涕零
FTP server problem[转载] miniChinput 0.0.3-2 port for FreeBSD
怎么用一个UDP的port来接收和发送信息?Re: how to close port/socket from parent process?help!!!!!!!!!
话题: serial话题: port话题: console话题: linux话题: ttysa0
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 113
I was using a handheld PC which is installed Linux. It has
one serial port "ttySA0" and the console is set to the
serial port.
That is the console device use the serial port. It send
system message
to the serial port and receive date from the serial port.
But now I want to use the serial port for other purpose. How
can I release
the serial port from the console?
Thanks very much!
1 (共1页)
Re: how to close port/socket from parent process?help!!!!!!!!![转载] how to see which port in use?
Does SUN still provide free solaris for x86?a difficult question
[转载] How to Enable telnet:23 port on server?FTP server problem
rsh port/protocol?怎么用一个UDP的port来接收和发送信息?
About the serial port--SOS!SOS!how to install printer in Solaris 2.5?
Re: [转载] firewall后面的机器可不可以访问firewall外面的x资源help! cannot bind to socket!
HELP! about running cxtermIs it possible to bind several sockets to 1 port?
what wrong with remote x? expert come inhow to find which daemon is using port 80?
话题: serial话题: port话题: console话题: linux话题: ttysa0