

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
Unix版 - magnetic tape?
Question about I/O redirection.some useful (hopefully) sed command
再次急问: *.tgz 文件怎么解?can anyone post a FTP auto get script ?
双面打印what's wrong with this ftp batch file?
help on job control commands能这样么?
wait on line: simple questionSocket programming help
How to use the command history in SUN?一 个 磁 带 的 容 量 是 多 大 ?
请诊断:A Quick Question on Tapes
[转载] Hidden character in a fileDumb Question: Backup Tapes
话题: eof话题: marks话题: magnetic话题: tape话题: write
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 4615
Using "mt" command to control magnetic tape, there is a command like this:
mt -f /dev/rmt/0n eof 5
It will write 5 EOF marks in magnetic tape.
My question are:
1) where are these 5 EOF marks?
--on the position after the last data set
2) why write these 5 EOF marks?
And if I write 1000 EOF marks before last data set, will last data set
be covered by these marks?
1 (共1页)
Dumb Question: Backup Tapeswait on line: simple question
How to use tar to read file on tape?How to use the command history in SUN?
a newbie question请诊断:
[转载] 远程备份的问题[转载] Hidden character in a file
Question about I/O redirection.some useful (hopefully) sed command
再次急问: *.tgz 文件怎么解?can anyone post a FTP auto get script ?
双面打印what's wrong with this ftp batch file?
help on job control commands能这样么?
话题: eof话题: marks话题: magnetic话题: tape话题: write