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Unix版 - How to use tar to read file on tape?
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[转载] 问一个问题Re: just get a sparc 2, qing qiao: who know how to load os
话题: tape话题: tar话题: read话题: file话题: use
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1095
I have a file XXX.tar.Z on a tape, I need to read and extract it to the local
directory. What specific parameters should I use? Thanks!
发帖数: 23
man tar


【在 t****k 的大作中提到】
: I have a file XXX.tar.Z on a tape, I need to read and extract it to the local
: directory. What specific parameters should I use? Thanks!

发帖数: 22
First, you need to know the device name of the tape drive. For me, I use
a SCSI tape drive, so the name is /dev/st0 (or /dev/nst0 for nonrewind).
so, to read the file, just need to do:
tar xzvf /dev/st0

【在 t****k 的大作中提到】
: I have a file XXX.tar.Z on a tape, I need to read and extract it to the local
: directory. What specific parameters should I use? Thanks!

1 (共1页)
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is it possible to untar files with absolute path?gcc in mac OSX
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话题: tape话题: tar话题: read话题: file话题: use