

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
Unix版 - help me with a console opening problem
请教:Variable in sed commandhelp abt cc
please help, CGI..how to copy /boot/boot1 to a: as bootset.bsd?
[转载] using ssh in tcsh scriptHow to make server keep running command after end telnet?
简单问题,可我不会。:( 急用啊!how to run an.exe file under unix
.cshrc?.login?.profile?Re: HELP PLS!
奇怪问题一个a newbie question
strange problem about wget executionAnyone recommends a good Unix book
关于一个C++library的连接anyone used softbench in HP-UX???
话题: console话题: opening话题: problem话题: shell话题: script
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 63
I just want to write a shell script to execute several program.
But i need to open a new console for one of those program.
is that possible for shell script ?
i am newbie in unix environment.
thanks for your advice.
1 (共1页)
anyone used softbench in HP-UX???.cshrc?.login?.profile?
How to get the name of current executable in a library routine?奇怪问题一个
Re: How to get the name of current executable in a library routine?strange problem about wget execution
how come this stupid question?关于一个C++library的连接
请教:Variable in sed commandhelp abt cc
please help, CGI..how to copy /boot/boot1 to a: as bootset.bsd?
[转载] using ssh in tcsh scriptHow to make server keep running command after end telnet?
简单问题,可我不会。:( 急用啊!how to run an.exe file under unix
话题: console话题: opening话题: problem话题: shell话题: script