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Unix版 - an unixquestions, Please help!
xhost problem....[转载] remote display 的问题
关于X 窗口的问题 ( setenv DISPLAY ... )Display line number in EMACS??????
xterm Xt error: Can't open display::0救命!! 问题比较难!
输入xterm总提示display错误Help -- How to display the list of available printers
equivilent $REMOTEHOST in kshAsking for help on TCP server programming
关于display的问题Re: [转载] firewall后面的机器可不可以访问firewall外面的x资源
一个 x terminal 设置的问题SGI O2 and 1600SW display
话题: display话题: remote话题: server话题: hostname
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1067
# 1:
I'm having problem displaying the X front end to my remote X server.
On my remote X server, I set
so that it will allow remote connects. On X client, I set
setenv DISPLAY hostname:0
(where hostname is the name of the remote X server). I still get an error
message "Can't open display". What can I try?
# 2:
发帖数: 2860
try ssh instead

【在 t*******t 的大作中提到】
: # 1:
: I'm having problem displaying the X front end to my remote X server.
: On my remote X server, I set
: xhost+
: so that it will allow remote connects. On X client, I set
: setenv DISPLAY hostname:0
: (where hostname is the name of the remote X server). I still get an error
: message "Can't open display". What can I try?
: # 2:

发帖数: 853
first doublecheck your current display is indeed hostname:0
sometimes it may be :0.X. then "xhost servername", rlogin or
telnet, then set setenv over there. if still not work, ask
the tech support for help since it is possible that the remote
server does not allow you to use X display.
good luck.

【在 t*******t 的大作中提到】
: # 1:
: I'm having problem displaying the X front end to my remote X server.
: On my remote X server, I set
: xhost+
: so that it will allow remote connects. On X client, I set
: setenv DISPLAY hostname:0
: (where hostname is the name of the remote X server). I still get an error
: message "Can't open display". What can I try?
: # 2:

发帖数: 853
just noticed that you should not set display using the server's
name. it should be your local machine's name.

【在 t*******t 的大作中提到】
: # 1:
: I'm having problem displaying the X front end to my remote X server.
: On my remote X server, I set
: xhost+
: so that it will allow remote connects. On X client, I set
: setenv DISPLAY hostname:0
: (where hostname is the name of the remote X server). I still get an error
: message "Can't open display". What can I try?
: # 2:

发帖数: 2860
that is the X server.

【在 p**v 的大作中提到】
: just noticed that you should not set display using the server's
: name. it should be your local machine's name.

发帖数: 853
i should say at local machine do echo $DISPLAY and then
setenv this display at remote machine.


【在 D****g 的大作中提到】
: that is the X server.
1 (共1页)
紧急求助equivilent $REMOTEHOST in ksh
HELP! about running cxterm关于display的问题
how to change the date attribute of a file一个 x terminal 设置的问题
a question about inetd server programming登陆到别的主机上运行realplay,如何将图象显示在本机
xhost problem....[转载] remote display 的问题
关于X 窗口的问题 ( setenv DISPLAY ... )Display line number in EMACS??????
xterm Xt error: Can't open display::0救命!! 问题比较难!
输入xterm总提示display错误Help -- How to display the list of available printers
话题: display话题: remote话题: server话题: hostname