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Unix版 - [转载] gprof question
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cvg + gprof求救,ZhXWin Install.
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话题: gprof话题: am话题: some话题: f2
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 101
【 以下文字转载自 Programming 讨论区 】
【 原文由 felid 所发表 】
I am working on a fortran program which includes several source files, with
multiple subroutines in each source file. For some of the subroutines, I have
conditional branches for decision making.
I am trying to use gprof on SunOs 4 to make some performance analysis.
In some of the subroutines, I have if block like this:
if (a.eq.b) then
call f1()
call f2()
end if
I am pretty sure that f2 will never be reached, but the gprof k
发帖数: 1879
Do a print statement in f2() and check.

【在 f***d 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Programming 讨论区 】
: 【 原文由 felid 所发表 】
: Hi,
: I am working on a fortran program which includes several source files, with
: multiple subroutines in each source file. For some of the subroutines, I have
: conditional branches for decision making.
: I am trying to use gprof on SunOs 4 to make some performance analysis.
: In some of the subroutines, I have if block like this:
: if (a.eq.b) then
: call f1()

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gprof execution time question急!!!!
[转载] 有没有什么好的profiling工具Can anyone recommend any web site to download a FFT subroutine for alpha machine?
[转载] Re: gprof question为何我在Solaris下用netscape看不了中文?
cvg + gprof求救,ZhXWin Install.
话题: gprof话题: am话题: some话题: f2