

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
Unix版 - how to read 2 files?
[转载] how to read Unix data file in PC?how to use batch file to ftp files in UNIX?
Read Unix mails in WindowsA question on check out files from VSS NT server to Unix client
Help: postscript file => graphics file ??how to view pdf files under unix?
Re: help! unix file size limits and disadvantages of large filesquestion about digital unix
undelete filesUrgent help!!!
is that .bin format under unix?a UNIX permission question
[转载] How to convert jpg or gif file to eps file?面试中的unix, linux的几个问题,不知道自己答对了没有。
how to get rid of the ^M in files?fortran program, help!
话题: files话题: read话题: exe话题: mean话题: file
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 4
I mean I have two files,1.dat and 2.dat.
I wish to read 1.dat first then 2.dat.
how to do it by using .exe file?
发帖数: 222
wow, great questions for Unix!
btw, what does .exe file mean to Unix?

【在 z**********g 的大作中提到】
: I mean I have two files,1.dat and 2.dat.
: I wish to read 1.dat first then 2.dat.
: how to do it by using .exe file?
: thanks.

发帖数: 4
hmm,I write a Fortran77 program.so now I need to read 2 files.
I don't want to use "open",who knows other methord?thanks.

【在 A*****o 的大作中提到】
: wow, great questions for Unix!
: btw, what does .exe file mean to Unix?

1 (共1页)
fortran program, help!undelete files
Re: 为什么emacs自动给我加^M.is that .bin format under unix?
Re: Where to download MP3 player for UNIX?[转载] How to convert jpg or gif file to eps file?
Re: unix下怎么把一个大文件分成若干个小文件?how to get rid of the ^M in files?
[转载] how to read Unix data file in PC?how to use batch file to ftp files in UNIX?
Read Unix mails in WindowsA question on check out files from VSS NT server to Unix client
Help: postscript file => graphics file ??how to view pdf files under unix?
Re: help! unix file size limits and disadvantages of large filesquestion about digital unix
话题: files话题: read话题: exe话题: mean话题: file