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Unix版 - openMP or boost::thread (pthread) for multithreading ?
multithread programmingHelp needed, about pthread...
multithread question求助:pthread_create的用法
pthread_kill SIGINT SIG_DFL multithreadReference for Multithread Programming under Unix?
Parallel runningRe: what wrong with these thread program. Thanks for helping
再介绍一篇文章 (转载)[转载] Pthread Multiprogramming
Does Linux support thread?问题:可以设定SUN T5120 SERVER 的 VIRTUAL PROCESSOR 的数目(转载)
what is the difference between pthread and thr_ ?Re: for cluster, which is better operating system?
[转载] pthread programming question.如何在程序中调用双(多)CPU进行计算?
话题: openmp话题: pthread话题: thread话题: boost
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 579
I am trying to do parallelization for a computing intensive problem.
I am working on a Linux cluster where each node is a multicore processor.
e.g. 2 or 4 quad-core processor per node.
I want to reduce latency and improve performance as much as possible.
I plan to use multiprocessing and multithreading at the same.
Each process run on a distinct node and each process spawn many threads
on each node. This is a 2 level parallelism.
For multiprocessing, I would like to choose MPI.
For multithreading, I have two choices: openMP or boost::thread (pthread).
Which one has lower latency and higher performance ?
It seems that openMP coding is easier (without touching low level thread
managing manually).
But, it seems that openMP has higher overhead than boost::thread (pthread).
Any help is really appreciated.
1 (共1页)
如何在程序中调用双(多)CPU进行计算?再介绍一篇文章 (转载)
parallel computationDoes Linux support thread?
anybody debuged MPI programs?what is the difference between pthread and thr_ ?
请教:哪有cluster上run的基于MPI的图形演示程序[转载] pthread programming question.
multithread programmingHelp needed, about pthread...
multithread question求助:pthread_create的用法
pthread_kill SIGINT SIG_DFL multithreadReference for Multithread Programming under Unix?
Parallel runningRe: what wrong with these thread program. Thanks for helping
话题: openmp话题: pthread话题: thread话题: boost