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Unix版 - unix 面试题,求答案 (转载)
Help wanted for CURSEShelp!!! pipe program
What is a jiffy in linux?multithread question
how to fork a subroutine in unix?Re: [转载] 进程间通讯时共享内存问题
[转载] 请教:UNIX下process之间的signal问题X Window求助
Re: redirect in fork() then exec()FreeBSD: Can't kill child process!
A problem about child process.[转载] waitpid 一问
菜鸟一问fork() and execve() in Unix
各位大哥帮忙,EXECVE()的使用ssh client on Solaris
话题: what话题: interrupt话题: unix话题: fork话题: cache
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 376
【 以下文字转载自 JobHunting 讨论区 】
发信人: klyw (mm), 信区: JobHunting
标 题: unix 面试题,求答案
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Nov 24 23:28:35 2011, 美东)
>>fork,exec ipc,how many types of ipc
after fork, does new process get file handles and locks
>>what's are spin lock? are they better than mutex?
how many spinlocks work on smp and up architecure?
>>what will happen /can u have printf/printk inside an interrupt handler?
>>what's the difference between wake_up() and wake_up_interruptible() apis
in the linux kernel
when should sude which one, how it should be decided?
>>what's the difference between sleeep_on() and interruptible_sleep_on()
>>what do the following codes mena?
printf("hello world");
>>what's IOCTL, how it si used in user and kernel driver code?
>>what's cache?
how it is used and mapped the physical address cache and virtual address
>>what's the virtual memory?
>>what type of scheduling is there in RTOS?
>>what's the differnce between hard real-time and soft real-time OS?
>>IN UNIX, what's a defunct process?
>>what's your understanding of this statement?
Is|grep a
>>how to find a child process in unix?
>>what's difference between named pipes and unnamed pipes?
>>write unix script to replace all instance of "a savings of x%" with "(x%
off)", where 'x'e
represents an actual percentage in a given text file.
>>write unix script to find the specific string from the given file
>>_interrupt to define an interrupt service rountine(ISR), comment on the
_interrupt double compute_area(double r)
double area = pi*r*r;
printf("\nArea = %f",area);
return area;
>>dma controller
>>cache coherence-MESI/MSI protocol
>>can you have reentrant code inside interrupt handler
1 (共1页)
ssh client on SolarisRe: redirect in fork() then exec()
同时运行sshd和rshdA problem about child process.
Help!!What is the problem with these two pipes. Thanks.菜鸟一问
Help wanted for CURSEShelp!!! pipe program
What is a jiffy in linux?multithread question
how to fork a subroutine in unix?Re: [转载] 进程间通讯时共享内存问题
[转载] 请教:UNIX下process之间的signal问题X Window求助
话题: what话题: interrupt话题: unix话题: fork话题: cache