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Utah版 - BYU, Mormon - 是可忍孰不可忍!!
太凄凉了climbing Mt. Nebo 转载from utahadventurer.com (转载)
short hike on "Y"听说犹他的学生会主席反藏独日跑到LV玩去了?
这里有Utah State Uni.的吗?4.20 Salt Lake City Rally资料汇集
下周到Provo上班,急需住处考试 - 钗头凤 AND 4/20 “迎奥运,抗藏独“ 照片
话题: kbyu话题: japanese话题: chinese话题: german话题: thinking
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3311
我是一个古典音乐爱好者. 上班时经常听KBYU的古典音乐. 每天在11AM KBYU FM89.1
都停止音乐古典音乐而播放: "Thinking Aloud" 我一般就关掉并做我的工作. 但今天
的节目听得另我热血沸腾真想吐! 我马上打了电话并写信给KBYU:
Disgusting “Thinking Aloud” to say at least
As a Chinese and a classical music listener, my blood pressure just went up,
my hands were shaking, and I wanted to puke literally after hearing today’
s “Thinking Aloud” broadcast on air. Today, KBYU repeated the
broadcasting about two Japanese dogs dead at the beginning of the Manchurian
War supposedly written by a Japanese 5th grader. It talked about the two
dogs found dead among dead soldiers with several bullets while still had
enemy flesh in their mouths. Of course, the dogs were portrayed as hero
soldiers dead for human cost. It’s enough a bloody picture to me, my blood
was boiling, and simply I could not bear any more!
Imaging will the program be on air if it were a story about two German
shepherds in the WWII dead in battle field with several bullets in the
bodies and American soldier’s flesh in their mouths?! Or two German
shepherds killed by Jews after bitten several prisoners to death under the
entertaining eyes of German soldiers in Auschwitz Concentration Camp?!
Regardless, how the KBYU host tries to glorify the dogs as human's best
friends and dead for Japanese invaders to Manchuria/China. As a Chinese
American I cannot tolerate KBYU’s disgraceful treatment to human race
particularly to the Chinese while glorify the Japanese invaders who killed
hundreds of thousands of Chinese and Americans included. I certainly hope
it does not reflect the Mormon Church’s view point regarding to human race
and WWII at all.
I demand the host at KBYU to openly apologize on air and stop broadcasting
such bloody, human-disgraceful, and sense-less broadcasting forever!

作为一个中国人你不觉得被侮辱吗? 如果你还有一点良心,你的血还是热地,你应该向
KBYU 连接:
发帖数: 10397


【在 x***k 的大作中提到】
: 我是一个古典音乐爱好者. 上班时经常听KBYU的古典音乐. 每天在11AM KBYU FM89.1
: 都停止音乐古典音乐而播放: "Thinking Aloud" 我一般就关掉并做我的工作. 但今天
: 的节目听得另我热血沸腾真想吐! 我马上打了电话并写信给KBYU:
: Disgusting “Thinking Aloud” to say at least
: As a Chinese and a classical music listener, my blood pressure just went up,
: my hands were shaking, and I wanted to puke literally after hearing today’
: s “Thinking Aloud” broadcast on air. Today, KBYU repeated the
: broadcasting about two Japanese dogs dead at the beginning of the Manchurian
: War supposedly written by a Japanese 5th grader. It talked about the two
: dogs found dead among dead soldiers with several bullets while still had

发帖数: 18685


【在 x***k 的大作中提到】
: 我是一个古典音乐爱好者. 上班时经常听KBYU的古典音乐. 每天在11AM KBYU FM89.1
: 都停止音乐古典音乐而播放: "Thinking Aloud" 我一般就关掉并做我的工作. 但今天
: 的节目听得另我热血沸腾真想吐! 我马上打了电话并写信给KBYU:
: Disgusting “Thinking Aloud” to say at least
: As a Chinese and a classical music listener, my blood pressure just went up,
: my hands were shaking, and I wanted to puke literally after hearing today’
: s “Thinking Aloud” broadcast on air. Today, KBYU repeated the
: broadcasting about two Japanese dogs dead at the beginning of the Manchurian
: War supposedly written by a Japanese 5th grader. It talked about the two
: dogs found dead among dead soldiers with several bullets while still had

发帖数: 3452
发帖数: 1134

【在 x***k 的大作中提到】
: 我是一个古典音乐爱好者. 上班时经常听KBYU的古典音乐. 每天在11AM KBYU FM89.1
: 都停止音乐古典音乐而播放: "Thinking Aloud" 我一般就关掉并做我的工作. 但今天
: 的节目听得另我热血沸腾真想吐! 我马上打了电话并写信给KBYU:
: Disgusting “Thinking Aloud” to say at least
: As a Chinese and a classical music listener, my blood pressure just went up,
: my hands were shaking, and I wanted to puke literally after hearing today’
: s “Thinking Aloud” broadcast on air. Today, KBYU repeated the
: broadcasting about two Japanese dogs dead at the beginning of the Manchurian
: War supposedly written by a Japanese 5th grader. It talked about the two
: dogs found dead among dead soldiers with several bullets while still had

发帖数: 3311
BYU 不道歉. 我的回信:
Dear Mr. Marcus Smith:
Got your "politically-correct" or better yet "I-do-what-I-do-and-tough-but-
so-what" explanations to my complaint. Perhaps offending Chinese race (more
than 1 billion of them) is no big deal to you or KBYU.
It's particularly offensive to me because it was the second time the same
program was aired at least I heard of. I could say that I understand the
host's "intent" or Japanese's intent of librating Chinese from the ruling of
westerns during WWII. There are so many hereoic dog-saving-human-life
stories to choose from and why this particularly one was selected and
repeated at least twice on KBYU?
Do you know Japanese "text book" is a huge international issue offending all
Asian countries that were invaded by Japanese? The "libration" theme has
been used in Japan even today particularly in text books. Do you know Asian
countries protest every year when the primister of Japan visits the WWII
shrim? Do you know there were hundreds of thousands of innocent people
killed and raped in the capital city in China after Jappenese took it over?
I repeat again:
" Imaging will the program be on air if it were a story about two German
shepherds in the WWII dead in battle field with several bullets in the
bodies and American soldier’s flesh in their mouths?! Or two German
Shepherds killed by Jews after bitten several prisoners to death under the
entertaining eyes of German soldiers in Auschwitz Concentration Camp?! "
"I demand the host at KBYU to openly apologize on air and stop broadcasting
such bloody, human-disgraceful, and sense-less broadcasting forever! "
--- On Fri, 4/13/12, Marcus Smith wrote:
From: Marcus Smith
Subject: "Dogs of War"
To: "x**[email protected]"
Cc: "Vania Pharis"
Date: Friday, April 13, 2012, 1:17 PM
Dear Sean XXX,
I’m writing in response to your concern about today’s broadcast on “
Thinking Aloud.” I host the program, conducted the interview, and also
serve as general manager for the radio station. I have read your email to
our membership department and can see clearly how upset you are. Perhaps I
could share with you a word or two that would help clarify the nature of
this broadcast and would alleviate your concern about this interview.
Like you, I too abhor warfare, violence, bigotry, and the glorification of
hostility or bloodshed. Many of our radio conversations in the series “
Thinking Aloud” actually touch upon the positive human values that would
help combat such atrocities. I am afraid that you have mistakenly
interpreted the quotation I read about the Manchurian War and Japanese
military dogs as an endorsement of the propaganda contained in that
quotation. By no means do I endorse, nor does the station endorse, that
point of view. The interview included the text as an illustration of an
historical point of view from 1933, by textbook writers in Japan.
I earnestly invite you to consider how the quotation was shared in its full
context, rather than in isolation. There are good reasons for considering
and learning about such historic texts, precisely because we should be
attuned to the dangerous art of propaganda. It is completely proper, in the
interest of educational broadcasting, to share a quotation with which we
completely disagree and which we would never endorse. Clarity will come from
the context. For instance, a historian talking or writing about the slave
trade might very well share passages of scandalous or insulting words from a
slaveholder in the early days of the United States, not to endorse that
slave holder’s point of view, but expressly to enlighten an audience about
historic opinions and political agendas. One cannot recognize propaganda for
what it is, unless one knows the genre and can wisely interpret the texts.
Similarly, historians will quote from Hitler’s volume “Mein Kampf” to
elucidate history, not to endorse his politics. This is the nature of the
study of history. History contains endless instances of atrocity, and we
should be able to talk about these instances without endorsing them. In fact
, my view is that we must be able to talk about unsavory and unkind or
immoral behavior, often precisely in the effort to combat it.
Again, I assure you, there was absolutely no endorsement of nor sympathy
expressed for the propagandistic position that was contained in that passage
from a Japanese textbook from 1933. Yes, the passage was distasteful. There
is, quite simply, value to learning about these very distasteful
perspectives, if we are ever to learn from history.
In the interest of providing educational programming, “Thinking Aloud”
will continue to broadcast content that explores a full range of historical
topics. While we are sorry for the way in which you interpreted the
conversation, please know that we are committed to interviewing expert
guests in a wide range of disciplines, many of whom will discuss serious and
often unpleasant topics, including the glorification of war. Such
discussions in no way represent an endorsement of war, violence, or bigotry.
On the contrary, these discussions are intended to make the world a better
place for all people.
My best regards,
Marcus Smith
发帖数: 10397
这个host屎吃多了 总结完毕


【在 x***k 的大作中提到】
: BYU 不道歉. 我的回信:
: Dear Mr. Marcus Smith:
: Got your "politically-correct" or better yet "I-do-what-I-do-and-tough-but-
: so-what" explanations to my complaint. Perhaps offending Chinese race (more
: than 1 billion of them) is no big deal to you or KBYU.
: It's particularly offensive to me because it was the second time the same
: program was aired at least I heard of. I could say that I understand the
: host's "intent" or Japanese's intent of librating Chinese from the ruling of
: westerns during WWII. There are so many hereoic dog-saving-human-life
: stories to choose from and why this particularly one was selected and

发帖数: 1837


【在 x***k 的大作中提到】
: BYU 不道歉. 我的回信:
: Dear Mr. Marcus Smith:
: Got your "politically-correct" or better yet "I-do-what-I-do-and-tough-but-
: so-what" explanations to my complaint. Perhaps offending Chinese race (more
: than 1 billion of them) is no big deal to you or KBYU.
: It's particularly offensive to me because it was the second time the same
: program was aired at least I heard of. I could say that I understand the
: host's "intent" or Japanese's intent of librating Chinese from the ruling of
: westerns during WWII. There are so many hereoic dog-saving-human-life
: stories to choose from and why this particularly one was selected and

发帖数: 18685
搞成Momon Radio openly praise sacrifice made for Japan war crimes during
World War II


【在 x***k 的大作中提到】
: BYU 不道歉. 我的回信:
: Dear Mr. Marcus Smith:
: Got your "politically-correct" or better yet "I-do-what-I-do-and-tough-but-
: so-what" explanations to my complaint. Perhaps offending Chinese race (more
: than 1 billion of them) is no big deal to you or KBYU.
: It's particularly offensive to me because it was the second time the same
: program was aired at least I heard of. I could say that I understand the
: host's "intent" or Japanese's intent of librating Chinese from the ruling of
: westerns during WWII. There are so many hereoic dog-saving-human-life
: stories to choose from and why this particularly one was selected and

发帖数: 3311
Do it! I changed title but runout of IDs to do it.

【在 e*******e 的大作中提到】
: 老大,你要是气不过转军版去吧,肯定会有人跟着你摇旗呐喊的。
: more
: of

这里有Utah State Uni.的吗?盐湖城有没有迎奥运反藏独的游行啊?
下周到Provo上班,急需住处climbing Mt. Nebo 转载from utahadventurer.com (转载)
发帖数: 589
I super love the original title!
Step one, call them and cancel your membership if you have.
Step two ... not sure but absolutely support you!
I super hate this kind of Americans.
发帖数: 1321


【在 x***k 的大作中提到】
: 我是一个古典音乐爱好者. 上班时经常听KBYU的古典音乐. 每天在11AM KBYU FM89.1
: 都停止音乐古典音乐而播放: "Thinking Aloud" 我一般就关掉并做我的工作. 但今天
: 的节目听得另我热血沸腾真想吐! 我马上打了电话并写信给KBYU:
: Disgusting “Thinking Aloud” to say at least
: As a Chinese and a classical music listener, my blood pressure just went up,
: my hands were shaking, and I wanted to puke literally after hearing today’
: s “Thinking Aloud” broadcast on air. Today, KBYU repeated the
: broadcasting about two Japanese dogs dead at the beginning of the Manchurian
: War supposedly written by a Japanese 5th grader. It talked about the two
: dogs found dead among dead soldiers with several bullets while still had

发帖数: 1134

【在 x***k 的大作中提到】
: BYU 不道歉. 我的回信:
: Dear Mr. Marcus Smith:
: Got your "politically-correct" or better yet "I-do-what-I-do-and-tough-but-
: so-what" explanations to my complaint. Perhaps offending Chinese race (more
: than 1 billion of them) is no big deal to you or KBYU.
: It's particularly offensive to me because it was the second time the same
: program was aired at least I heard of. I could say that I understand the
: host's "intent" or Japanese's intent of librating Chinese from the ruling of
: westerns during WWII. There are so many hereoic dog-saving-human-life
: stories to choose from and why this particularly one was selected and

发帖数: 5796
发帖数: 267
发帖数: 370
Manchurian War was not part of WWII. It is so-called 日俄战争。I think the
problems were if they knew the background of the war, if they showed their
anti-violence point in the program.
1 (共1页)
谁有自己录的我们集会的video?short hike on "Y"
赞我的一位朋友!这里有Utah State Uni.的吗?
太凄凉了climbing Mt. Nebo 转载from utahadventurer.com (转载)
话题: kbyu话题: japanese话题: chinese话题: german话题: thinking