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Utah版 - Business Insider: State Economy Ranking Utah #7
U of U 属三流大学吗?U of Utah Ranks First with MIT in Startup
RSL夺冠证实了前州长huntsman的眼光Utah first in the nation for job growth
Huntsman 14% Romney 82% in Utah彭博社:Utah有全美最富有小镇
请问 犹他州的 朋友们,现在中文课是不是中学的必修课?Utah蝉联福布斯Best State for Business
UU Huntsman Cancer Institute CEO紧急下台犹他州州长Jon Huntsman被提名为驻华大使
###此帖已应当事人要求删除###摩门教驻华大使人选,奥巴马的内政算计 (转)
话题: utah话题: state话题: new话题: gdp
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 18685
1. North Dakota
2. Colorado
3. District of Columbia
4. Texas
5. Washington
6. Massachusetts
7. Utah
Utah is home to four Fortune 1000 companies, the largest of which is the
Huntsman chemical corporation.Utah's job market is booming. The number of
nonfarm payrolls in the state grew by 4.3%, the fastest growth rate in the
country. Meanwhile, Utah's 3.5% unemployment rate was the third lowest.
8. New Hampshire
9. New York
10. Oregon
47. Missouri
48. New Mexico
49. Alabama
50. West Virginia
51. Mississippi
发帖数: 18685
Here are the sources for each of our measures:
June 2015 unemployment rate: The most recent unemployment rate for each of
the states and DC came from the Bureau of Labor Statistics' Local Area
Unemployment Statistics program.
Percent change in nonfarm payroll jobs, June 2014-June 2015: We calculated
the rate of increase or decrease in nonfarm payrolls, also taken from the
Local Area Unemployment Statistics data.
2014 GDP per capita: Every year, the Bureau of Economic Analysis releases
their estimates of the GDP of each state and DC. We used this and the Census
Bureau's estimates for the July 1, 2014, population of each state to
calculate GDP per person.
2014 GDP growth: This also came from the BEA state GDP estimates.
Change in housing prices, Q1 2014-Q1 2015: We used the Federal Housing
Finance Agency's House Price Index for this measure.
Q4 2014 average weekly wage: We took this from the Bureau of Labor
Statistics' Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages.
Change in average weekly wage, Q4 2014-Q4 2014: This also came from the
Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages.
1 (共1页)
摩门教驻华大使人选,奥巴马的内政算计 (转)达赖又要来了
commencement 和 convocation 的区别UU Huntsman Cancer Institute CEO紧急下台
U of U 属三流大学吗?U of Utah Ranks First with MIT in Startup
RSL夺冠证实了前州长huntsman的眼光Utah first in the nation for job growth
Huntsman 14% Romney 82% in Utah彭博社:Utah有全美最富有小镇
请问 犹他州的 朋友们,现在中文课是不是中学的必修课?Utah蝉联福布斯Best State for Business
话题: utah话题: state话题: new话题: gdp