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Vancouver版 - Landed immigrant, got a US school offer
Welcome to Victoria & tell me your plan[转载] FISH的温哥华考察报告--chongyao
To Chongyao..Thx![转载] FISH的温哥华考察报告--chongyao 3
how about we meet on the island this time[转载] FISH的温哥华考察报告--chongyao 4
Landing in Vancouver?[转载] 附录: chongyao语录
anyone landing by greyhoundVancouver List (summary)
[转载] 近期准备隆重推出---见chongyao记目前参加的人员 (update)
[转载] FISH的温哥华考察报告-chongyao篇聚会信息 (update)
[转载] FISH的温哥华考察报告--chongyao!!!price for lunch on June 15
话题: us话题: pr话题: canada话题: landed话题: study
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 9
should I take the offer and study in US
but how can I keep my Canada PR status?
before, there is "returning paper" which accumulate the days if you study
abroad, now, there isn't such thing.
wanna go to US for the study, but also wanna keep the PR. sigh.
发帖数: 753
that is not difficult now
as the new law states, you can keep your PR
as long as you stay in Canada for 2 years for each 5 years
you can go there, finish your courses,
and then come back to finish your thesis

【在 y*t 的大作中提到】
: should I take the offer and study in US
: but how can I keep my Canada PR status?
: before, there is "returning paper" which accumulate the days if you study
: abroad, now, there isn't such thing.
: wanna go to US for the study, but also wanna keep the PR. sigh.

发帖数: 9
if the advisor allow me to do just what you said, it is not bad at all.
But, where to find such nice advisor? In addition, 3 years may be not enough
for a Ph.D.

【在 f********d 的大作中提到】
: that is not difficult now
: as the new law states, you can keep your PR
: as long as you stay in Canada for 2 years for each 5 years
: you can go there, finish your courses,
: and then come back to finish your thesis

发帖数: 753
there are many things you can do
you can register, but stay in Canada for some time each year
or, ask chongyao

【在 y*t 的大作中提到】
: if the advisor allow me to do just what you said, it is not bad at all.
: But, where to find such nice advisor? In addition, 3 years may be not enough
: for a Ph.D.

发帖数: 482
if he get a F1 visa, no way to cheat them
and he can only leave for 3 years, could not extend

【在 f********d 的大作中提到】
: there are many things you can do
: you can register, but stay in Canada for some time each year
: or, ask chongyao

1 (共1页)
price for lunch on June 15anyone landing by greyhound
聚会了没有啊~?[转载] 近期准备隆重推出---见chongyao记
聚会报告--6.15.2003[转载] FISH的温哥华考察报告-chongyao篇
chongyao,问一下一平[转载] FISH的温哥华考察报告--chongyao!!!
Welcome to Victoria & tell me your plan[转载] FISH的温哥华考察报告--chongyao
To Chongyao..Thx![转载] FISH的温哥华考察报告--chongyao 3
how about we meet on the island this time[转载] FISH的温哥华考察报告--chongyao 4
Landing in Vancouver?[转载] 附录: chongyao语录
话题: us话题: pr话题: canada话题: landed话题: study