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Virginia版 - HELP!!!!!关 于reckless driving!!!!!!!
Reckless Driving Ticket求救VA speed limit一般是+15么
Reckless Driving, 有谁可以推荐一个在Richmond的Traffic Attorney吗? 谢谢VA speeding ticket求助, 谢谢
Reckless Driving在VA是不是很严重又在virginia被抓超速了
求助:有人在virginia拿过reckless driving然后自己出庭的吗求各位推荐个好律师,Dinwiddie, reckless driving
VA I85上超速。被指reckless driving,之后该怎么办求助: Reckless Driving ticket in Virginia (转载)
昨天凌晨路过VA吃超速罚单求助在 VA 超速被控Reckless Driving后
外州的车在VA超速15,怎么处理,是reckless driving,怎么办呢Re: 在 VA 超速被控 Reckless Driving 后
VA普通超速,罚款114刀,是否要辩一辩?Re: 在 VA 超速被控 Reckless Driving 后
话题: reckless话题: driving话题: criminal话题: speeding话题: va
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 11
小弟最近租车从费城去Smoky Mountain玩,在81号高速的时候,因为加速摆脱周围的卡
是不是reckless driving属于crime,可能跟你一辈子。
发帖数: 41
First of all, only my opinion. People who have previous experience might be
better sources.
Bad News: Reckless Driving is a very serious issue in VA. Permanent Criminal
record. If you want to find a job later, it might show criminal record on
the background check.
Good News: Since you have clean record, most probably you will be reduced to
However and also Suggestion: FIND A LAWYER. They will be procecutor and
police together (my guess) against you. Even if it's possible that you can
发帖数: 11
Thanks for your useful info.
I will contact a lawyer soon.
发帖数: 342
Is this real ? will move to here soon.
feel comfortable to drive at 80s, sometime
90s to 110. but never above 120.
Virginia Reckless Driving Ticket
Virgina is cracking down on excessive speeding, especially in Fairfax County
on the Dulles Tollroad and Wythe County. If you are cited for 20mph over
the speed limit or at a speed greater than 80mph then you may be facing the
very serious charge of reckless driving. In Virginia this is a criminal
violation and a mandatory court appearance. The judg
发帖数: 41
>90 is dangerous
From what I heard and info online
For Reckless Driving Qualification :)
1) drives 20mph over limit
2) drives over 80mph whenever (so pay much attention to that)
Must go to jail qualification (one day or more):
1) >90mph if charged Reckless driving
2) other cases when Judge wants you to have a taste of jail...
发帖数: 41
Before you don't need to pay an extra fee if you are an out of state
resident. Now in state resident doesn't need to pay that either. So I think
you are the same. It seems to be around 1000, however, as I said before, the
key point here is Criminal Record
If you are ended as Speeding, it's $6/mile of speeking plus court fee say 60
. So totally less than 200.
发帖数: 11
小弟最近租车从费城去Smoky Mountain玩,在81号高速的时候,因为加速摆脱周围的卡
是不是reckless driving属于crime,可能跟你一辈子。
发帖数: 41
First of all, only my opinion. People who have previous experience might be
better sources.
Bad News: Reckless Driving is a very serious issue in VA. Permanent Criminal
record. If you want to find a job later, it might show criminal record on
the background check.
Good News: Since you have clean record, most probably you will be reduced to
However and also Suggestion: FIND A LAWYER. They will be procecutor and
police together (my guess) against you. Even if it's possible that you can
fight for yourself. I believe professional service is still very very
helpful and personally I believe it's a must in this situation to play safe
(you will never want to risk having a permanent criminal record)
Fees: you can find a laywer have fees less than $500. The best online is Bob
I think if you search google. His charge is 1500, but since you have good
history, a common lawyer is OK.
It's still big money. However, I would rather play safe with a lawyer's help
. And in your case, since you are not living in VA, a lawyer can represent
you in the court without you showing up (since you don't live in VA, you
have plenty of reasons not to show up in court if a lawyer is there) You can
ask the lawyer for more detailed information.
BTW, you can try call lawyers first, most of them will give you a general
introduction of the situation. Just give them a free call.
发帖数: 11
Thanks for your useful info.
I will contact a lawyer soon.
发帖数: 342
Is this real ? will move to here soon.
feel comfortable to drive at 80s, sometime
90s to 110. but never above 120.
Virginia Reckless Driving Ticket
Virgina is cracking down on excessive speeding, especially in Fairfax County
on the Dulles Tollroad and Wythe County. If you are cited for 20mph over
the speed limit or at a speed greater than 80mph then you may be facing the
very serious charge of reckless driving. In Virginia this is a criminal
violation and a mandatory court appearance. The judge has the option of
fining you up to 2500 plus one year in jail. Jail time is unusual but does
happen, especially if your speed exceeded 100mph. They will put you in cuffs
and you will go straight to jail.
You should always contest a VA reckless driving charge. If there were no
other issues during the traffic stop, most Virginia courts will reduce the
violation to a simple speeding ticket. However this still carries a stiff
six point count with the possibility of a major increase in you auto
insurance and a fine in the neighborhood of $500. If you are a VA driver,
you will be subject to the reckless driving $1050 surcharge payable to the
VA DMV on top of the court fine if the judge does not reduce.
发帖数: 41
>90 is dangerous
From what I heard and info online
For Reckless Driving Qualification :)
1) drives 20mph over limit
2) drives over 80mph whenever (so pay much attention to that)
Must go to jail qualification (one day or more):
1) >90mph if charged Reckless driving
2) other cases when Judge wants you to have a taste of jail...
发帖数: 41
Before you don't need to pay an extra fee if you are an out of state
resident. Now in state resident doesn't need to pay that either. So I think
you are the same. It seems to be around 1000, however, as I said before, the
key point here is Criminal Record
If you are ended as Speeding, it's $6/mile of speeking plus court fee say 60
. So totally less than 200.
发帖数: 6
Is speeding also a criminal offense? Would speeding shown as criminal in the
background check?
1 (共1页)
Re: 在 VA 超速被控 Reckless Driving 后VA I85上超速。被指reckless driving,之后该怎么办
Re: 在 VA 超速被控 Reckless Driving 后昨天凌晨路过VA吃超速罚单求助
staunton/augusta附近的reckless driving lawyer?外州的车在VA超速15,怎么处理,是reckless driving,怎么办呢
着急 关于 reckless driving ticket (转载)VA普通超速,罚款114刀,是否要辩一辩?
Reckless Driving Ticket求救VA speed limit一般是+15么
Reckless Driving, 有谁可以推荐一个在Richmond的Traffic Attorney吗? 谢谢VA speeding ticket求助, 谢谢
Reckless Driving在VA是不是很严重又在virginia被抓超速了
求助:有人在virginia拿过reckless driving然后自己出庭的吗求各位推荐个好律师,Dinwiddie, reckless driving
话题: reckless话题: driving话题: criminal话题: speeding话题: va