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Visa版 - 紧急求助: unpaid leave 和 laid off
[跪求] 在线等 - H1B lay off请问,OPT期间可以take unpaid leave吗?
请问H1b转H4一定要pay stub么?unpaid leave 几个月要不要转H4呢?
h1b 期间能不能申请unpaid vacationCOS to F1 is denied. Can I still change to H1b If i get a job?
H1B transfer 遇到大麻烦,急求帮助H1B是否可以享受FMLA的权利? (转载)
OPT期间的Unpaid LeaveH1B 被check可不可以take leave of absence? (转载)
Tricky question:两个h1b申请,一个change of status F1申请.求助, h1 termination
H1B 转 F2 的问题求助贴: 病假完被公司黑了我的身份了,怎么办~~~ (转载)
H1b transfer疑问求助啊,H1B transfer问题,好心人看看吧
话题: status话题: unpaid话题: leave话题: uscis话题: laid
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 55
最近被公司 laid off,公司说可以给unpaid leave,但是根据这个网站
Question 6. What happens if I am terminated but the company keeps me on as
an employee without pay?
It is extremely unlikely that USCIS will consider a person as being “in
status” when s/he is not actually employed and being paid. This is a
dangerous option to pursue, both for the individual and the company. When
applying for a change or extension of status, it is expected that one's
current status is documented by recent pay stubs. Without these, the USCIS
is unlikely to regard one as having been in status. It may, in this
situation, be possible to obtain an H1B petition approval for consular
processing, rather than as an extension or change of status in the United
说即使是unpaid leave也不行。 有没有懂的人说说,unpaid leave 到底是不是 in
status? 如果可以,可以申请多久时间? 3个月可以么?
1 (共1页)
求助啊,H1B transfer问题,好心人看看吧OPT期间的Unpaid Leave
请问h1b可以unpaid leave吗 (转载)Tricky question:两个h1b申请,一个change of status F1申请.
H1B不能请unpaid leave?H1B 转 F2 的问题
请教大家一个 H1B 转F1 的问题。谢谢了H1b transfer疑问
[跪求] 在线等 - H1B lay off请问,OPT期间可以take unpaid leave吗?
请问H1b转H4一定要pay stub么?unpaid leave 几个月要不要转H4呢?
h1b 期间能不能申请unpaid vacationCOS to F1 is denied. Can I still change to H1b If i get a job?
H1B transfer 遇到大麻烦,急求帮助H1B是否可以享受FMLA的权利? (转载)
话题: status话题: unpaid话题: leave话题: uscis话题: laid