1. 有个地方要填写SSN,我有校内part time job,所以就填写有了。 然后在后面
有些地方会问你有没有工作啊 有没有雇主啊,这样子很尴尬,不知道填写没有 还是
有, 填写有了 会不会被怀疑F1签证去工作?
2. 一开始的personal 里面 要填写 home address 不清楚是国内的home 还是国
3. 最后的Additional Point of Contact Information说要
NOTE: You have indicated that you will be studying in some capacity while in
the United States. List at least two contacts in your country of residence
who can verify the information that you have provided on this application.
Do not list immediate family members or other relatives.
我主要搞不清是填写在 美国的 联系人地址 还是 国内的联系人地址????