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Visa版 - 该用J1还是b1/2呢?怎么办?
Entering from Canada.紧急求助:DS-160 always error at previous enter us step
如果b2转F1被拒,能不能以b2身份再入境help! Do I need canada visa to enter canada for H1B visa renewal
B2 10 year visa questionH1B能到墨西哥签证吗?
Is B2 visa good to visit Mexico?父母亲戚面签B2之前需要先把机票准备好
[包子题]第一次签H1B的问题re-enter US from Canada
First time using H1B visa to enter US来个正经的问个签证问题
包子题:急! 出境该上交哪一个I-94呢? I am Post-Doc with H1BD160没问我工作经历和学历问题
话题: program话题: j1话题: us话题: status话题: your
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 202
在美国用J1呆过一段时间 后来回国 不过2019的program延续了
现在还在国内 想到美短期开个会 那该申请b1/b2 还是J1呢?
美国学校管这个的 给我的邮件这么说:
Also, If you have an ongoing J visa, and enter the US during the J program
dates, you’ll have an intent problem if you try to enter in B status in
that it will appear to any State Department Official and/or CBP Agent that
you have abandoned your J program.
If you’re out of the country and your J program is “alive”, the US
government assumes/requires that you maintain status by continuing your
research program. If, during your research program, you enter the US and
conduct activities related to or considered part of your research activities
, entering in J status is the only appropriate status.
1 (共1页)
D160没问我工作经历和学历问题Is B2 visa good to visit Mexico?
no mexico visa required for entering mexico!![包子题]第一次签H1B的问题
H1B Laid off, I-140 approved, can still get F2 visa to enter USFirst time using H1B visa to enter US
J-1短期,到期之后如果换成J-1,是不是必须先回国一趟。需要重新签证吗?包子题:急! 出境该上交哪一个I-94呢? I am Post-Doc with H1B
Entering from Canada.紧急求助:DS-160 always error at previous enter us step
如果b2转F1被拒,能不能以b2身份再入境help! Do I need canada visa to enter canada for H1B visa renewal
B2 10 year visa questionH1B能到墨西哥签证吗?
话题: program话题: j1话题: us话题: status话题: your