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WashingtonDC版 - sublease (A Master room suitable for interns at DC area)
暑假出租:华盛顿DC,suitable for internsRoom for young Couple
暑期房间出租请问有人去过hershey park吗
秋天能做FULL-TIME的CPT/Intern吗?What's going on here, George? [NSFW]
出租:华盛顿DC,s​uitable for internsHELLO回来找大家帮忙的第一件事:
DC Intern looking for rent 找住处!!心情很复杂
DC Intern looking for rent 找住处!!still lookingTo 紫儿! Re: 紫儿看红叶记
哪里买家具?Re: 请问一下UMD的学费
want to buy tennis shoes?如何自助从机场到UMD
话题: master话题: room话题: dc话题: very话题: interns
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 47
A nice and spacious Master room in 3b apt in University Square is available
from the end of May to the end of August. Move-in date is negotiable. The
apartment is very clean. The room is furnitured and you can buy all the
furniture at a very very reasonable price (furniture include: two tall IKEA
bookshelf, a desk, a TV table). Or you can require the previous tenant to
move everything out.
You will have your own bathroom. Two roommates are female UMD graduate
students and very nice and easy goin
1 (共1页)
如何自助从机场到UMDDC Intern looking for rent 找住处!!
college park附近有没有修车口碑好点的地方?DC Intern looking for rent 找住处!!still looking
下周搬家想租Truck or U-Haul,不知道那里便宜,谢谢哪里买家具?
请问DC附近哪个学校的statistic MS 比较好want to buy tennis shoes?
暑假出租:华盛顿DC,suitable for internsRoom for young Couple
暑期房间出租请问有人去过hershey park吗
秋天能做FULL-TIME的CPT/Intern吗?What's going on here, George? [NSFW]
出租:华盛顿DC,s​uitable for internsHELLO回来找大家帮忙的第一件事:
话题: master话题: room话题: dc话题: very话题: interns